Author's Note - POC In The Book Community

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I hope if you've gotten this far you're enjoying the story so far. I have to address something that I noticed I've been negligent towards in this story so far. To preface, I'm mixed. My South Asian ethnicity and culture is something I'm very proud of. With that being said, I can't help but notice how people of color are represented in literature when they're written by white authors. We frequently get lazily thrown into stories just to make the story seem diverse. We're often being saved by the white characters because we never have a place in the spotlight. Our names are stereotypical because authors are too lazy to look past a simple google.

I've found myself within this story casting Evangeline and Layla as Asian women. In reality, I didn't mean to fall into this category of authors that are lazy about diversity because they personally infuriate me but now I see that I have. These two characters are based off of people I know in my everyday life, race included. I wish when starting this story I was more aware of the depth when it comes to adding people of color in your stories. I would like to give a sincere apology for casting these poc without elaborating into their culture or how at any point in time their race affected their lives in England in the nineties. I hope going forward I can be more mindful of these things while continuing to shape these characters.

All my love,


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