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Sitting at the Gryffindor table doesn't feel right, but it's the only option I have. Fred and George are the only two of my friends besides Opal that are speaking to me, and even then I'm not sure if I should count Fred. He's been welcoming me whenever I see him, but I know it's only for his twin's sake. I see how he talks to Eve, it would be ignorant to assume that he isn't also frustrated by me for what I'm doing to her. I try not to think about it though, Adrian said it would be for the best.

Yesterday I tried sitting with Opal but the looks I received from Draco made me feel worse than anything Fred could muster. Opal offered to move away from Draco, but I wouldn't do that to her. She shouldn't have to avoid one of her closest friends due to my actions. Frankly I'm relieved Draco gave me an excuse to leave the Slytherin table. Adrian being so close would make me suddenly feel sick of him. It's not like I don't like him, I just have been needing to take him in lesser doses since my father found out. I try to ignore these feelings though. After all, I have a tendency to push away from everything my father approves of. Eve told me that.

Normally petty things that she says don't get to my head, but this one felt personal. Everything's felt personal since Cedric decided he was better off with Rosa. It isn't his fault, but I can't help but have been deep in my head since then. Suddenly the little things that people say find their way into my mind. I've had spells like this for as long as I've remembered. Something happens, and suddenly I can't shut down craving validation or feeling like others define me. I felt that way after my grandmother died, but it's seems to have made its way back into my every day. I need to not be so fragile.

I hate it. I really do. I feel like I don't have the courage to do anything, say anything. I can't muster up enough strength to stand up for myself when I'm like this. First Rosa began walking over me, then my friends, and now my father. Could Adrian be doing it too? Part of me wants to say absolutely not, but after spending the night with him a couple of days ago, I can't help but wonder otherwise. I didn't really, and still don't consider myself his girlfriend, but here we are. We have a label he decided to put on us. I didn't want to spend the night in his room, but Sunday morning I woke up with his arms wrapped around my back.

My ear is drawn to someone past George, suddenly hushed whispers are turning into words I can make out. Something that stands out especially is my name.

"What do you mean you 'can't tell Claudia?'" George asks suddenly, looking at the bickering trio next to him. I look to them, and I see Ron, mouth open and skin as white as a ghost.

"I found quite a bit out at Hogsmede, including information about that letter of yours," Harry blurts out suddenly. Ron makes a noise of protest, and quickly lifts his hand, hitting Harry in the back of the head.

I frown, "you were planning on keeping it from me?"

"Not necessarily," Hermione states, trying to explain. "We wanted to make sure you were... reliable before we told you what Harry heard at Hogsmede."

Fred rolls his eyes, "you two need to knock it off with the 'reliable' thing. Snape doesn't like Harry, yet Harry trusts her anyways. Help the girl figure her mom out. She needs some clarity."

"I don't know, Fred," I sigh, "Maybe I'm just trying to figure out my mom because it's what my dad wouldn't want. After all, your friend Eve made it very clear those are my only intentions."

Fred scowls, and although it was supposed to be a dig at Eve, he seems to take it personally. Do people actually believe that? Does he think I'm going after my mom because my father wouldn't approve? If he thinks that, does he know I'm really friends with them because I genuinely care, not because my father disapproves?

Fragile. I'm being fragile again. He can think what he wants, it's not my problem. I'm happy with my boyfriend and friend group, despite Eve being out of it.

"Are you going to spill or not?" George mumbles, eyeing his twin and I.

Harry starts, ignoring the protests from his friends around him. "I was in the three broomsticks when—"

He suddenly stops, and his eyes wonder above my head. I feel two chilly hands place themselves on either of my shoulders. One of them travels to the pearl pin holding back my front pieces of hair on both sides. "These are pretty," Adrian says. I look up, and a smirk is on his face. He leans down to kiss my cheek, and I resist the urge to tense up. I'm just pushing him away because my father doesn't like him. Why won't that stick in my mind?

"Glad you've finally got around to wearing them," he says.

"He got those for you?" George gasps.

I quickly reach towards the clip, suddenly ashamed. I shouldn't have put them in, they look so... flashy. They aren't like me.

"Surely puts our gift to shame," Fred scoffs, "No matter what we do, the Weasley's can never compete with the families of the wealthy ministry jerks, can they?"

"Nonsense!" I exclaim, "I wear your ring all the time! More than these probably!" I reach for one of the pins, and my hair falls in front of my face. Adrian's grip tightens on my shoulders.

Adrian frowns, "No need to lie in order to—"

I grab the side of Adrian's neck behind me, cutting him off. I turn, and pull him in for a quick kiss. "You should go before you get in trouble. I'll meet you in your room tonight for that party you invited me to."

He nods, giving my shoulders one last squeeze. He's still scowling when he walks away. I quickly reach to grab the other hairpin, and place them both in my lap. I tuck my hair behind my ears, ignoring the pieces that won't stay put.

"Trouble in paradise?" Fred remarks, "or whatever rocky island you two appear to be on?"

I roll my eyes, trying to forget the clear frustrated expression on Adrian's face. There's large amounts of light pouring through the grand windows of the Great Hall. I feel as if you could see every detail of all the wood in here between the light from the glittering snow to cloudy sky. I turn to Harry, Hermione, and Ron, who are looking at me, each equally puzzled.

"We certainly can't tell you if you're shagging a Death Eater," Ron finally retorts.

"I'm not shagging anyone!" I exclaim, "and who says he's a Death Eater? You-know-who is in no place to be meeting with people after Harry had a go at him in the chamber last year."

"You know about that?" Harry frowns.

"Harry, the whole school knows it," I state.

"Better to be safe than sorry," Ron grumbles, standing up from the spot between his brother and Harry. "You lot can tell her whatever you want, but know I'm against it." While he walks away, he grabs a piece of toast off of George's plate.

George glares across the table at Fred, "he gets his knack for melodrama from you."

"Have you seen yourself, mate?" Fred snaps, "you couldn't get stitches without Claudia holding your hand through it."

"Could you two knock it off?" I ask, "Harry has something to share about my mother, remember?"

Harry nods, "Right. I was at the three broomsticks when..."

A/N: bit of a shorter chapter but something to maybe ease me being into being back? This was really fun, and I hope I can fit updating into my busy schedule. If you're still reading, telling a couple of friends would mean the world to me! Love you all lots!!

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