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"I'm so sorry to disturb your sleep dears, but this is rather important!"

Professor Sprout's voice echos through the hallway outside. I roll over in bed, dazed. Urgent knocking rattles throughout the room, and I see Layla crawling out of bed.

"I'm afraid Sirius Black has found himself in the castle."

I quickly sit up, and all of the blood rushes from my head, making it feel heavy. I try my best to get out of bed. Worry fills me once I see Eve's expression. She's usually calm in stressful situations, but not tonight. Her mouth is open, forming a small "o." Her eyebrows are raised as she quickly rushes over to my bed. She extends her hand and I quickly take it. I stand, and find my balance.


Our lock clicks, and the door swings open. Cedric is standing in our doorway, grabbing the handle. His smile fades as he looks around the room.

"Why are you guys just standing there?" He asks, looking between the three of us. "And where's Rosa?"

"Probably with Wayne" Layla says.

"Oh..." Cedric says, furrowing his eyebrows. He quickly shakes his head, snapping out of it. "Well,  unless you want to stumble upon a mass murder by yourself, I would leave now."

I roll my eyes, and check my alarm clock. Ten passed one. I notice my wand on the nightstand, and grab whatever is on the small, wooden surface in a panic. I rush out of the room behind the other girls. Cedric returns his smile as he steps next to me.

"That's the last room, Professor Sprout!" Cedric yells over the crowd of anxious Hufflepuffs fleeing the common room.

She gives Cedric a small, nervous smile in return before making her way to the front of the crowd. Tired and confused whispers seem to come out of every student. Sirius Black is actually in the castle? My fathers degrading words towards Sirius seem to ring in my ear. Despite being in an argument with my father, I can't help but wonder if he's okay.

I look over to Cedric, and to my surprise he's looking back to me. He expression softens once we make eye contact.

"Did professor Sprout tell you anything?" I ask, "you're a prefect after all."

He shrugs. "Don't tell anyone this, but Sirius was first spotted by Peeves."

I nod as we trail behind the crowd. We all make up the smaller basement staircase. I like to use this one when I want to leave without being noticed.

"Apparently he was coming from the basements—"

"But—" I start to interrupt, alarmed.

"All Hufflepuff and Slytherin students seem to be fine. They're having Bloody Barron look for any real tracks Sirius could've left."

My heart races. Sirius Black couldn't have been that far from our room. It's not like he would've wanted anything to do with us. Regardless of what he wants, it's still nerve wracking thinking about how close we were.

"Ron spotted him last, peering over his bed." Cedric continues, "he was looking towards Harry."

My eyes widen. "You think he wants Potter?"

Cedric looks over his shoulder and lowers his voice. "That's what it looks like. Sprout suspects he's finishing the job for you-know-who."

I shake my head. Sirius wants Harry. I may be holding a grudge against him but who knows what danger he's in? I haven't told anyone about my father's attitude towards Harry's dad and Sirius, maybe it'll help. Does Harry know that they were once friends, or even in the same year?

Princess; George WeasleyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora