
15 1 7

A/N: no way anyone is still reading this.

Rosa glances over the lunch table and catches Cedric's eye. He gives her a soft, warming half smile, and his leg shifts to be closer to her. My stomach jolts as I force myself to look at Eve, the one blabbing away a mile a minute. It's been a week and suddenly everyone knows about Cedric and Rosa, the Hufflepuff sweethearts. Everyone thinks they're so perfect together. The statistics are against them, but maybe their relationship will work out like everyone's calling for. They'll grow old together as I fizzle away and leave Cedric's mind entirely.

"Oh, Claudia?" Cedric says in a sing-song type of voice, "You in there?"

Evangeline quickly stops talking. Her gaze darts between Cedric and I as if we were bombs about to explode. She gives me a sympathetic smirk, and shrugs her shoulders. My eyes wander to Cedric, and he playfully bumps his shoulder into mine.

"What's gotten into you lately?" He asks softly.

His gaze makes my heart leap straight out of my chest. I must look nervous because his eyebrows furrow, and he looks at me with big, concerned eyes. My stomach jolts, and I suddenly feel an overwhelming sense of nausea.

"I..." I manage to mutter, pushing back the awful feeling in my stomach. I quickly standup, and start heading out of the great hall. I turn over my shoulder, and I see my friends looking over at me. Before I get too far I mutter "feeling nauseous... see you—"

I turn out of the great hall and straight towards the girls restroom. I run into the stone walled room, and quickly find a stall. I collapse, sliding against the wall. The cold floor beneath be calms me down as I immediately feel hot. I realize how increased my heart rate is, and I let out a shaky breath. My inhale is just as panicked and uneven, and the breathing pattern seems to make everything worse. I bury my head in my hands, and fight back the urge to throw up.

I hear the bathroom door swing open, and I don't even muster the energy to stand. I try and melt into the floor even more. I close my eyes, and the pounding footsteps seem to fill my ears. Each heavy steps rings against my head, and I quickly cover my ears to stop the aching.

"You in here, Prince?" A voice asks.

I slowly stand, trying to regain my sense of balance. I unlock the door, and the person on the other side quickly opens it. I let out a grim laugh.

Draco frowns, and passes a hair through his platinum blonde hair. "You look... dead."

"Gee thanks," I scoff, giving him a slight shove.

"Seriously," Draco sighs, "What's been up with you? I've tried to pry Opal of information but—"

"Opal?" I exclaim suddenly. "You're bothering my best friend to get information out of me?"

Draco folds his arms, "Who's to say I'm only talking to her for your sake?"

I let out a confused laugh. Opal knows I'm friends with Draco, why wouldn't she mention him around me? She tends to not surround herself around people her age or younger. Considering that she's a year ahead, I've always wondered if she just feels that she belongs with peers with a similar intelligence level. If so, that doesn't at all explain why she apparently is somewhat close to Draco.

Draco frowns, and I watch as a piece of platinum blonde hair fall in front of his gray eyes. There's a sort of shimmer that wasn't there a few moments ago. His knees bend, and suddenly he's on my level. "It's him, isn't it?"

I shrug. Tears begin to well up in my eyes, and it's almost as if my heart is pounding so hard I can hear it. I feel pathetic for wasting any more time on tears.

Princess; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now