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George's pov

"Blimey, George, she fights with you like you guys are a married couple," Ron sneers.

Claudia snaps her head around, and I'm met with her soft eyes. I can't figure out the color, it seems to change in every light. Some days their hazel and others they appear almost gray. Her lips are parted as if a remark is on the tip of her tongue. She shakes her head, and I notice how upset she is.

I frown. I really tried to help, and I managed to make things worse. She was so excited when she was telling me about the thought of learning about her mother. Now, whatever hope she had seems to slowly leave her. She looks tired, and so desperate. She suddenly tenses but she still looks disappointed.

"I'll be with Ced, don't worry."

My stomach drops as she walks out of the common room. Her longer, frizzy hair falls out from behind her ears, hiding her saddened expression. Even though she's looking away, her image still burns in my mind. Even with her sharp cheekbones and jawline, she looks gentle and fragile when she's upset. Her small, but still full lips twitched at the corner don't express nearly as much as her large eyes do.

She'll be with Cedric...

"Someone's rather emotional," Ron spits, distracting me from my sudden thoughts.

I glare at his annoyed expression. He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Hermione shakes her head, clearly in deep thought.

Our table stays silent. Fred suddenly moves away from where he was stood behind Claudia's chair. He storms out of the common room, muttering to himself the entire time.

He hates seeing Claudia upset. He hates it almost as much as I do. I really think he's trying to make up for not being more aware when Pucey approached her. He constantly talks about what he would do differently, and I can't help but see the regret linger around him.

"What if the whole things a set up," Ron exclaims out of nowhere.

I furrow my eyebrows, still staring at my brother. "What do you mean by that."

"Snape had to have been buddies with Sirius. What if she was meant to tell us about a letter we don't even know exists."

I shake my head, perplexed. "You're mental if you think Dia would—"

"She's Snape's daughter!" Ron shouts. "Snape used to work with plenty of people who want Harry dead."

"She's not even talking to her father!" I yell, matching his tone. "And if you think she'd betray us, betray me—"

"Face it, George. She could be dangerous."

I can't believe how absolutely ridiculous Ron is being. Claudia would never side with Deatheaters. A secret like that would eat her alive. She's too considerate, loving, loyal— She's too strong to allow her father to talk her into doing something like that.

"Although I don't trust her completely," Hermione starts, "I believe your just trying to find another reason to hate Professor Snape."

"We should help her," Harry says, suddenly.

I scoff, "Sure, she's not a traitor but there's no way she's going to Hogsmede regardless."

Hermione frowns. "I didn't realize she needed your permission, George."

I feel my cheeks grow hot as I realize what I said. "All I'm saying is that it would be a death wish."

"She just wants to know more about her mum," Harry says. His voice is barely a whisper as he continues. "I know what that feels like."

"What if he's using her mum as bait?" I question, "Claudia can't take another heartbreak."

"Harry should go," Ron states like it's no big deal.

Hermione purses her lips, but stays quiet as Ron continues.

"He's been wanting to learn more about Sirius Black, and has experience getting himself out of risky situations."

I say nothing, and look between the three of them. It isn't a bad idea, but I'd hate to throw Harry into more danger. He's already had to worry about so much. The kid deserves a break. I also have to fight petty feelings I'm feeling towards Ron for his last remark.

"That's not the worst idea you've ever had, Ron." Hermione says, softly. Her mouth twitches into a frown as she continues to contemplate the plan. She suddenly turns to me. "We'll figure out the details. You just need to deep Claudia out of Hogsmede next weekend."

I nod, and quickly get up from my seat, almost hitting my head on the light that hangs over the table. "I'll go tell her the plan now."

I dart out of the common room, pulling the map out of my pocket. I mutter the password under my breath and tap the center with my wand. I look over both shoulders to check nobody's around before unfolding the enchanted paper. Claudia is in a side courtyard by the greenhouses, and Cedric's name is floating next to hers.

I feel a pain that hits my chest as I fold the map. She said she would be with Cedric, so I'm not sure why I'm suddenly surprised. I'm reminded of when I saw her and Pucey together after the quidditch match and the feeling returns. I'll have to ask her about where she went with him after I tell her the plan.

I hurry down the corridor, until I suddenly am met with Fred. His face is emotionless, but I can sense that something's wrong. His face is never completely blank.

Fred looks up. "Trying to talk to Claudia?"

I nod.

"I tried, and she really doesn't want to talk to anyone right now."

Well, anyone but Cedric I guess. She's always going to him when she needs a shoulder to lean on. I wonder what advice he has that I don't. What makes him the best person to rant to?

Fred pats my shoulder as he walks the direction I came from. Claudia is probably ranting to Cedric about how awful I am right now.

My pace speeds up as I walk down multiple flights of stairs. I don't bother to check the map to make sure the pair hasn't moved. I'm certain they'll still be there. Once the two of them start talking, they'll never stop.

I turn away from the packed main courtyard, and the noise dies down. The hallway turns into open air once again and I shudder at the sudden November weather. I wince thinking about how cold Claudia must be. She was wearing a t-shirt while talking to the trio and I.

Voices pick up again. I recognize Claudia's immediately, and I slow my pace. Cedric's voice fills the hallway, but I can't make out what he's saying. Through one of the archways I see Cedric standing in front of Claudia. A blonde, Hufflepuff girl is standing next to him but they're facing away from me. Claudia's face is clearly wearing a shocked expression, but her eyes are telling a different story.

As she puts on a smile I see her bare hands quickly wipe something off her face. I see her laugh, and quickly unzip the jacket she's wearing. She quickly hands it to Cedric, and says something. He takes it hesitantly but she insists.

My heart says to run towards her as fast as possible and move her perfectly frizzy, dark hair out of her face. I ache to hear what's wrong, and try my best to fix it, but something in my head stops me.

Cedric laughs, and him and the girl walk out of a different archway, leaving Claudia by herself. I march into the corridor, and melt onto the bench next to her.

She quickly throws her arms around my neck, and without second thought my arms wrap around her waist. She leans her head into my chest, and tears flow out of her eyes.

I fight the urge to cry while seeing her so upset. I finally speak, trying to sound soft and comforting. "What's wrong?"

She pulls away from me, and I want nothing more than to give her another hug. She makes a noise, gasping for air. Her head quickly falls into her hands, elbows resting onto her knees.


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