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It was the morning of the tournament and Mia was walking down the alley she had to take to get to the tournament

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It was the morning of the tournament and Mia was walking down the alley she had to take to get to the tournament. She heard footsteps behind her. She turned to see Frank with a boy behind him.

She was about to run but there was his other foster kid in front of him. The boys names were Frankie and Bobby. They were Mia's age but twice the size of her.

"You have nowhere to run this time kid" Frank shook his head "I warned you many times and yet you still didn't listen"

"You don't have to do this" she backed up "please not today I'll get you what you want within the week"

"See that's not good enough" Frank shook his head "boys let's show what happens to people who don't follow our expectations"

Frank started walking away "Frank!" She yelled his name "Frank!" The boy Bobby grabbed her collar "Bobby you don't have to do this. Please! Please just let me go and I'll help you all out" tears appeared in her eyes.

Frankie giggled "all helpless now are we?" He smirked as Bobby punched her pushing her to a wall.

Mia ran at Frankie and swiped her leg kicking him in the knee making him fall. It killed her ankle even doing that. Bobby grabbed her shoulders "I'm sorry" he whispered

Mia grabbed both of Bobby's hands yanking him up flipping him over her. Frankie stood up as she swung her leg about to kick him in the face as he caught her leg twisting it. She yelped in pain falling to the floor.

Bobby was about to jump on top of her but she kicked him in the face. Every movement she done with her foot made it worse and worse. When she stood up she could barely stand on it.

Mia elbowed Frankie in the stomach as she stood up straight. Blood pouring out of her nose and her foot smashed in. She felt Frankie's arm wrap around her as she kicked her legs as Frankie hoisted her up as she kicking Bobby to the floor knocking him out. Mia got to her feet and she dropped to the floor making Frankie flip over knocking him out.

She panted as she stood up. Her foot was killing her. She started limping out of the alleyway as she couldn't anymore. She slid down a wall and felt like she couldn't breathe.

Maddy was walking up to the tournament when she saw Tatum standing there. Tatum gave her a dirty look "what are you doing here?" Tatum spat

"I wanted to support my friend" Maddy insisted "she might hate me but I still wanna see her win"

"What a great friend you are" Tatum rolled her eyes "you see the thing is about you Maddy"

"Sh" Maddy said shushing her "do you hear that?" They heard heavy breathing from round the corner. The two ran to see Mia on the floor. Blood all over her nose and all roughed up "what the hell!"

"What happened" Tatum dropped to her knees checking Mia out

Mia panted "Frank! He got his foster sons to pay me a visit" she groaned lifting her head back "I knocked them out but my foots killing me"

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