I'll always have your best interest

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The team had to meet at a random location

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The team had to meet at a random location. Mia yawned asking what the hell was going on until a cement truck pulled up "No way"

"What the hell" Aisha's eyes opened

Mia shook her head "Uh uh" she pointed at the van "This is surely not legal" She put her hands on her hips "What if it dries on us"

Johnny shook his head "Just get in. Alright, Hawk Miguel, Maddy, Aisha, Mia you guys are in first. Ass face and Mary Kate as well"

They climbed in and Mia was thinking of ideas the whole time. Everyone tried to push to get it to move. It took them a good 5 minutes.

Mia thought of something "Guys. We all move at the same time we could do it" Mia put her hands on the wall "alright one... two... three" everyone went at the same time. Everyone put all of their light into it and the thing finally started moving

"Faster!" Maddy yelled "One step at a time ready" The thing started moving even faster until Johnny said they can stop.

Mia jumped out and helped Maddy get out "That was awesome" she high-fived Kreese who was heavily impressed by her.

Mia hopped down "I'm ready to be hosed off," she said helping Aisha down

Johnny hosed them down and told them how proud he was of them, and to not tell their parents.


Kreese walked into Johnny's office "I'm telling you Johnny I'm impressed over that Mia girl. It's like looking at you years ago"

"She's better than I ever was," Johnny said still looking down "That kid got guts"

"I know she has. So what about Mia" he leaned against the wall "what's her story"

"I actually have no clue" Johnny shook his head. He never really asked "I know she has an older brother and that's it"


Before practice, Miguel walked up to Mia "Hey we need to talk"

"Yo, what about ?" Mia asked putting her hands in his pockets

Miguel sighed "You know how Sensei took pity on Robby Keene at the tournament? That's because Robby's his son"

Mia took a step back "Are you sure? I mean maybe we've got this all wrong. He'd tell us wouldn't he ?" Miguel shrugged as they walked into the dojo. This was it. Johnny's soft spot. Miguel, you're an angel.

In practice Aisha stormed up to Maddy and Mia "Have you seen the new YouTube video"

"No" Maddy replied

Aisha showed them the phone "Sam's dad opened his own dojo and he disses Cobra Kai in it"

Mia and Maddy both watched the video "What the" Mia cringed "What's he talking about 'snake in the grass' what an idiot" She passed Aisha the phone back

Hawk sat with them "Sensei says he's gonna make his own clip so he's probably gonna just yell" he shrugged "but I overheard someone say they're gonna join because it's free" Hawk rolled his eyes "he wants a hash brown cobra Kai" he giggled

Mia strutted into Johnny's office "Is it true ?"

"Is what true ?"

"That Robby Keene is your son ?" She acted annoyed "Why wouldn't you just say that earlier ?"


"Just forget it!" She walked away trying not to smile.

Johnny knocked on Mia's door "Hey Sensei what's going on ?"

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Johnny knocked on Mia's door "Hey Sensei what's going on ?"

"Let's go for a ride"

Johnny took her to some burger restaurant "Good huh ?"


"You see that building over there" Johnny pointed "That's where Robby was born. February 4th 2002 it was a Monday his mom was in labour for 17 hours"

"Ouch. That must have been crazy"

"Yeah, I'm sure it was. I wasn't there, my mom had just died and I was a real mess. I never knew my father so she was all I had" he carried on eating "Next thing I know I'm gonna be a dad. Scared the shit out of me. So instead of being up there celebrating I was down here drinking away on a three-day bender trying to get the courage to walk across the street. I never got there. I failed my kid the very first day he got here and I've been failing him every day since"

"Sensei this is personal stuff you don't have to tell me"

"No, I should have told you a long time ago" Johnny had tears in his eyes "It's one of the most painful things in my life. But one of the best things has been teaching you. So I wanna tell you this now, no matter what happens I'll always be on your side. And I'll always have your best interest at heart"

"Thank you" Mia felt a pit of guilt. Why was he sharing everything? She didn't wanna care for the man. Why did he care for her?

"So what's your story then ?" Johnny took a bite of his burger

"Well my mom got sick when I was young and dad dipped then the brother left a year ago" She wiped her mouth "Been just me"

"So how do you make money ?"

"My family send some over from Italy and I have like 2 jobs at the moment" Mia acted like it was normal "but it's sorta working"

Johnny nodded "If you ever need anything I'm always here"

Mia was interrupted by her phone pinging "Sorry" she cringed "Miyagi-Do doing a demo at valley fest"

"Oh, they are huh ?" Johnny sat back.

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