First day

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Mia knocked on the LaRusso's door

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Mia knocked on the LaRusso's door. There was no answer so she knocked again. Daniel answered "Mia ?" He looked shocked "I thought you"

"Didn't go to school anymore ?" Mia asked. She hadn't been to school in about two years. She went to a different school but decided to transfer last minute "yeah I know" she moved past him entering their house "decided I needed to get my eduction up"

"Well you're about the smartest person we know" Daniel chuckled "I remember when you were a kid and we'd watch those quiz shows. You knew more then me" Mia's mother was friends with Daniel. Her and Sam practically grew up with one another

"Exactly why I need to be there" she nodded her head. She adored Sam "can't wait to be going to school with Sam. I told her last night, we practically stayed up all night looking for outfits"

"Well I'm glad Sam has you now" Daniel looked at her "between you and I her friends aren't the nicest. Good to know someone will put them in their place"

Mia was always very blunt. Even as a kid. She was often in fights and what not. She giggled "oh don't you worry Mr LaRusso Sam's in good hands"

"Might have to tutor her as well Mia" Daniel looked over to see Sam walking down the stairs

"You ready ?" Sam put her bag in in a hurry "sorry did he bore you to death ?"

"Not at all" Mia shook her head chuckling.

The two walked into school where Sam explained everything. She pointed "alright science is over there. English literature"

"Ooo" Mia chuckled "how interesting. Where's the history class ?" Mia loved history. It was her favourite subject. She always grew up watching british history shows. She could recite the whole of the horrible histories songs.

Sam went off to lunch as Mia walked around. She walked into the lunch hall excited. Her eyes went to Sam. She walked straight over.

"I found the history class!" Mia sat next to the brunette without even reacting to the other girls at the table "the history teacher gave me all his notes and what not"

"And who are you supposed to be ?" The blonde girl piped up looking Mia up and down

"Uh" Sam's face went puce white "this is"

"Mia" Mia interrupted Sam "Sam's friend" she put her hand out shaking the blondes "and you are ?"

"I'm moon" the girl besides her said. She was bubbly and acted like she was floating on air "I love your bracelets"

Mia's wrists were covered up and down with bracelets "oh thank you"

"I'm Yasmine" The blonde stated "yeah they're... cute"

Mia already could tell what Mr LaRusso meant by Sam's friends being 'not the nicest' obviously Moon was a total sweetheart but standing next to Yasmine made that invisible.

Mia turned her head to see a boy coming her direction. She smiled at him before a bunch of obnoxious boys sat next to her.

"And who is this ?" A boy with a black cap stared at Mia "I think I'd remember a pretty face"

"This is Mia" Yasmine said bitterly "she's Sam's old bestie"

Mia gave Yasmine a dirty look. She looked to the boy who's name seemed to be Kyler. He was already getting on her nerves.

She bit down on her tongue as he started laughing at the table next to them. Mia's phone began to ring "sorry I have to take this" she left the hall "hello"

"Miss Moretti" His voice was almost instantly recognisable "I've been waiting for your voice"

"Frank" She sighed "thought I'd be hearing from you. What ?"

"I'm making sure my end of the deal is not going to be forgotten" his voice was so stern it was almost frightening "you help me take down this new karate dojo and I'll help pay with your financials"

Mia's mother was sick. She was dying. Hospital bills where expensive and she was alone in all of it. Half of her family lived in Italy and could barely keep their lights on let alone help her pay hospital bills.

"Yes I know I know" Mia lowered her voice "it's just hard finding an irrelevant dojo that no one's heard of" she looked around "what even is a cobra Kai"

"An important part of history" everything he said he sounded like had a meaning behind it. He spoke up again "now I'm giving you two weeks to at least come up with something alright otherwise our end of the deal is finished. Bye now"

Mia put her phone in her pocket furious. She turned a corner to feel herself hit somebody "sorry" she looked up to see the boy from the lunch hall

"Oh" he was surprised to see her "I'm Miguel" he straight away introduced himself

"Mia" she replied "you new too ?"


"Great" he sighed in relief "at least I'm not alone"

"You also feel like an alien ?" She asked making him laugh "everyone in this school is weird right"

"I was thinking the exact same thing"

They were interrupted by the school bell "I better go" Mia explained "I'll see you later Miguel"

"You too" he watched as she walked away "Mia"


The next day Mia was debating sitting at Sam's table. She didn't know if she could listen to Yasmine talk anymore about her Instagram followers.

She entered the hall and Sam already started waving "hey Mia come over"

Shit. They caught her. Mia slowly walked over "evening guys"

"Hey" Moon said happily

Aisha was talking to Sam. Mia recognised her from when they were little but barely. Aisha was talking about Halloween costumes "I was thinking I go as sodium and you go as chloride and when people ask what we are we do this" she sprinkled salt

Both Mia and Sam laughed "what is that some dumb inside joke you guys have ?"

"It's not inside" Aisha smiled. Mia was almost jumping with joy at Yasmine's stupidity "sodium chloride is table salt"

"Yeah I was kidding"

"Where you though ?" Mia said under her breath making Aisha giggle

"We actually decided to go as laker girls" Sam was clearly feeling guilty "maybe we could order another one"

"There one size fits all" Yasmine butted in "which seems like false advertising"

Mia rolled her eyes "don't worry I'm not wearing a laker girls costume. I'm wearing one of my moms old 50s costumes" she said comforting the girl.

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