Nice try

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Mia went to text town

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Mia went to text town. She put her computer on the desk "hi. It stopped working mid way through essay" she played with her fingers "and I really need it fixed"

The boy smiled "don't worry I get 100 of these a day" he was young. Too young to be working there "I can fix it but I might take a little while" he started talking all techie

"You know what I'm gonna go for a walk and I'll come back in an hour or something" she paused him

"No problem"

"Thanks Eduardo" Mia pointed at his name tag "see you soon".

Robby smirked walking away as she left. He went out the back to see the brunette girl standing there with her arms folded.

"You see I don't know what gave you away" Mia pointed "it was either the ripped jeans or the smug face" she sighed "good act though"

He groaned "shit"


"Shit indeed" Mia tilted her head "and if I'm correct I think that's mine" she picked his skate board up "now let's deal I give the board back if you give the laptop back."

"What would you need the skate board for anyways ?" He tried to be smart "don't wanna hurt yourself"

She done a flip on the board "nice. It's a expensive one too I can tell, new and everything. Would sell for a bit" she looked him in the eyes "now about my laptop. You won't be able to sell that for more then $40. I mean I did say I've had it since I was fourteen"

He looked so angered by the girl "you're very annoying you know that"

"Been told by many" She said sarcastically "now pass me the laptop back" she put out her hand "please" she tilted her head

He sighed passing the laptop back "wasn't so hard was it ?" She rolled the board back to him

"What's your name ?"

She shrugged "I dunno Eduardo. Thought you were the clever one here" she turned around walking away leaving Robby smirking.


Mia walked into school with Maddy "this school sucks" Maddy looked around "no school spirit no smiles it's disgusting" she was looking at the boys "and the boys aren't even cute"

"Not everything is about cute boys Maddy" Mia walked to her locker "listen we're not gonna be here long anyways. We find as much stuff about this Cobra Kai and we dip"

"And then we go back to what ? Working five jobs again" Maddy shook her head "Mia you have a brain use it. You're smart like extremely smart. You could graduate and get a good job"

"Yeah and what happens once Miguel realises that I've betrayed his dojo and what not ?" Mia shut her locker

"Don't tell me you're starting to feel bad ?" Maddy opened her eyes "Mia this is not what I expected. And what is your game plan anyways ?"

"Get close to Johnny Lawrence get in his little circle and just sabotage everything" Mia smiled sweetly like she wasn't planning to ruin someone "at the end of the day it's all for my mom right ?"

"Yeah" Maddy turned to see Aisha walking down the stairs. Everyone was making pig noises "poor girl" Maddy tutted her teeth.

 Everyone was making pig noises "poor girl" Maddy tutted her teeth

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Mia was going on a run. She saw Aisha standing outside of the strip mall. She paused "hey Aisha"

"Hey Mia" Aisha looked pretty uncomfortable "what are you doing here ?"

"Just a quick jog" it was to spy on Cobra Kai "so what about you ?"

"I wanted to go in" Aisha pointed

"What Cobra Kai ?" Mia was jogging on her feet "you scared to go in" she said as the girl nodded "come on I'm coming in with you"

"You sure ?" Aisha said quietly "I don't want to pressure you"

"No no don't worry about it" Mia chuckled "i would be honoured"

The two girls walked in "yoga isn't till 5:30" Johnny barely looked up

"We're actually here for karate" Aisha opened the door

"I appreciate it but there are no girls in Cobra Kai"

"Why not ?" Mia frowned

"Same reason there aren't women in the army" Johnny shook his head "doesn't make sense"

"Women are in the army" Mia squinted as Miguel dragged Johnny in the office.

Johnny came out "okay take off your shoes and hope on the Matt. You can't act like girls" Johnny pointed "alright. Mia fight Miguel"

"What ?" Miguel wheezed "Sensei"

"No you insisted on this" Johnny pointed "Mia go on"

Mia stood across from Miguel. The fight started. Miguel was very hesitant until Mia twisted his arm and pulled him over her head making him land on his back.

Johnny nodded impressed "I like you"

Mia put her thumbs up. She was in.

Mia walked to the back room of the dojo. She thought she was alone until she saw the landlord snooping about "you frightened me" she put her hand on her heart

"Sorry sorry" he put his hands up "just trying to see how much to charge for rent"

Mia looked at the papers "are you sure ?" She peered "I mean this place could go for a lot more. He's already got two more new students"

"So ?" The man wasn't getting it

"So that means he's getting more money" Mia said quietly. She saw the man grin "you like that don't you. You should raise the rent"

"You're very smart girl very smart"

"Yep" she nodded "and if anyone asks who tipped you off you tell them Daniel LaRusso gave the idea alright" she had heard about the Johnny Lawrence and Daniel LaRusso war a couple weeks ago. Surely one of them would crack and go at one another.

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