He's awake

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Btw Caroline is the new Maddy!!!

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Btw Caroline is the new Maddy!!!

For weeks Maddy had been visiting Miguel in the hospital. She had grown quite fond of him over the past few weeks.

He obviously couldn't speak back but she could just chat and chat and chat for hours with him.

When the day finally came she heard honking from outside her house. She looked out of her window. Louie was in his car "Miguel's woken up come on quickly"

Maddy smirked running out of her house. She jumped in the back of the car and Hawk was there "Hello you"

"Alright," Hawk said nodding.

Louie was the first one at the hospital. When he opened the door Miguel's mood enlightened "Lou"

"My boy" Louie hugged Miguel tightly "It has been so miserable without you man" he tapped Miguel's leg "How are you feeling ?"

"I can't feel anything in my legs" Miguel looked down "Other than that I feel fine"

Louie nodded "We'll get that feeling back don't worry" he looked like he genuinely believed it "This happens to people all the time. A bit off that therapy shit and you'll be up and running"

Miguel pointed at Louie's face "Is that from the fight ?"

Louie nodded "You should see Mia she's way worse. Broke her ribs" Louie could see Miguel change expressions "anyways we gotta talk. We haven't had this bro-to-bro in ages. I've missed you so much"

Maddy walked in. She paused at the door. Louie stood up "I'll leave you guys for a second".

Maddy walked closer "Hey"

"Maddy ?" Miguel's face lightened "Since when did you visit me"

"Since you first got to this bloody hospital"

"Listen Sam kissed me by the way" Miguel went on "I know it still is cheating but I didn't mean it"

Maddy burst out laughing "You've been out of your comma for what an hour and you're already making excuses. Jesus Miguel

Miguel smirked "So you're not mad"

"Why would I be ?" Maddy looked confused

"Because you're judgemental" Miguel made her smile "How's Mia ?"

"I don't really know" Maddy huffed "All I know is that she hasn't been doing the best of all people. You really need to be filled in on why she did what she did"

"We'll talk about it later when I'm not in a hospital bed"

Maddy chuckled hugging Miguel "Jesus you smell" she joked "It's good to see your face"

Maddy chuckled hugging Miguel "Jesus you smell" she joked "It's good to see your face"

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Louie had quickly become one of Kreese's favourite students. Louie had a different way of thinking. He was out of the box.

Kreese had a pole with a tree on the top of it in the middle of the class. He stated he wanted someone to kick it down.

One boy attempted and fell to the floor "pathetic" Kreese whispered. Another boy attempted and fell to the floor "Louie. Have a go"

Louie looked the pole up and down "Alright" he kicked the pole knocking the pole down and the tree.

Kreese chuckled "Not bad. Not bad at all"

One of the boys looked offended "But he cheated!"

"Not at all. Unlike you he did exactly what I asked him to do" Kreese walked closer "If your mind is agile so are you. That's the best way to beat your enemy, not just with brute strength" he smiled proudly at Louie "but you have to fight smart. Do that and you will always come out on top" everyone nodded at Louie impressed.


Maddy walked into the lunch hall. She sat with Yasmine and Moon. Yasmine was impressed by Demetri's showing his science homework.

"That's cool Demetri" Maddy linked his arm. She realised how much they drifted since karate. He kept on explaining the model to her before a football knocked it all down.

Demetri looked down before Louie revealed himself as the owner of the ball "That took me three weeks"

Hawk nudged Louie "And took his ball three seconds to destroy" he smirked. Maddy couldn't even speak.

Demetri walked back over to Hawk and Louie "Another week another pissing contest. Though I shouldn't be surprised since you love pissing so much" Sam then stood next to Maddy

"You landed one kick" Hawk walked closer to him "You got lucky"

Sam came closer "You better back off or you won't be lucky".

Hawk smirked "Why don't you go sleep around with someone new and break his heart" Sam pushed him

The school councillor walked up "What are you doing Samantha? Did she enter your personal bubble without your consent ?"

"Yeah she definitely triggered my safe space" Louie made a face of innocence

Maddy got involved "Leave it guys" she grabbed Demetri's arm and sneered at Hawk.

"Funny how you're betraying your friend Mia" Hawk called when Maddy walked away "Hanging around with Sam" he tutted "she wouldn't be happy"

"She wouldn't want me to be a bully either" Maddy rolled her eyes. "Don't think because you've got a cobra on your back means that you know Mia. She would give you the time of day" She got all in his face "See ya"

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