Oh okay

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Johnny was teaching class and then said that everyone was a bunch of flinchers

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Johnny was teaching class and then said that everyone was a bunch of flinchers. They had to be punched in the face for that. Definitely a good solution.

Johnny looked around "who's been punched in the face before" he watched Mia raised her hand "yeah that's not surprising"

"Why ?"

"You're just violent" Johnny shrugged "quite scary. Alright Mia and Aisha. You're punching everyone"

"Sweet" Aisha cheered.

Everyone was stretching when Miguel revealed he was going on a date with Sam. Mia stayed silent. She wasn't bothered. Definitely not bothered. She shouldn't be bothered.

"You should take her to my tattoo place" Hawk stood up "check this out" he took off his Gi revealing a hawk tattoo

"That is badass" Aisha said as Mia's jaw was on the ground

"Fourteen hours in the chair" Hawk started flexing "I'm gonna have to wear a tshirt until college but it's fine"

"Any other suggestions" Miguel looked at Mia and Aisha

"She likes astronomy and chocolates" Mia explained. She heard Johnny start yelling

"Ban what do you mean banned ?" Johnny yelled. Mia smiled. She called the all valley office just to check.


"Hello" Mia said on the phone "hi my names Daniel LaRusso just checking if the Cobra Kai still has a ban on the all valley" she put on a deep voice

The woman began checking her files "yep that's right" she stated "thank goodness you reminded us. Cobra Kai tried entering this morning. I'll give Mr Lawrence a call later. Thank you so much Mr LaRusso"

Mia put on a overdramatic laugh "just trying to make the world a better place. Bye now"


Mia started stretching as Aisha looked at her "why are you smiling ?"

"Oh nothing" Mia shook her head "just thinking of a joke I was told earlier. Maddy said"

"So how comes you and Maddy are so close ?" She asked

"Uh we just sorta clicked at school I guess" Mia shrugged "she hasn't left me alone ever since. Can't seem to shake her off"

Aisha giggled "I like her".


Later on Mia was on a walk. She looked into the Cobra Kai window "tell me you're the man" Johnny pointed at Miguel

"I'm the man" Miguel cheered "wait are you the man ?"

"You know I am"

Mia gritted her teeth. Jesus these bastards wouldn't give up. She called Frank "hello"

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