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Here is the second interview for Servitude by the lovely XxxSistersxxX ! Your questions have been answered :)

Out of all the characters in Servitude, if you had to fight one, who would it be?

I would like to fight Pigeon lady as I hate her guts and would love to punch her. But I think I would lose as she is probably alot strong than me. But Francesca is a close second (Nobody has meet her yet) but there is just something about her that I dislike.

When writing Servitude, do you plot the story or by the seat of your pants?

Oh I have the story down to a tee I atcually didnt start writing until I had mapped it all out. Now I am writing the second I was even more detailed as I realised I need to know every tiny detail. I have a whole notebook for each book with information that I refer back to every time i write to make sure I am correct about all the details.

What is one thing you like writing the most with your story Servitude?

Honestly getting to know my character as I wrote. It was like I was writing as me and it felt so surreal. I think I also really like writing Daisy's thoughts they come so easily to me. And I love my end chapters when I finally explained all that was going on I think I wrote it in a day because I just had it so ingrained in me on how it will play out.

What inspired you to write this kind of book and do you plan on wrighting another one?

Honestly I had just finished watching wandavision and I love scarlet witch so I just drew a powerful woman with immense power and thats where my character was born. I then had a great idea about a woman in space who had been seperate at birth and was in a different faction. But when I start to plan it out I realised I didnt like it that so I adjusted a few things and was left with the story I have now. I plan on finishing the series with the second one almost being done.

What do you think about Daisy? If you were in her place what would you feel like?

I love her she is a really special character to me. I do think she isn't as strong willed as she should be but under the circumstances I can see why.

Love this questions because I would feel just like her. When I wrote I was writing as if I had been there. But if I was put in this situation I do think I would feel lonely and isolated.

Just want to say thank you everyone for reading my book and taking the time to ask me some great questions. I have loved reading your comments.

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