📖New Additions!📖

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Hello everyone!
After getting some feedback, here is what will be incorporated in future rounds of the club. (8/12/23)

Hopefully these additions will be beneficial to your writing process and encourage helpful critics! The How it Will Work chapter has been updated as well with these changes.

Without further ado...

Cycling Winner Rewards
We will be cycling through three different rewards, each time a previous winner wins again.

1st Time Winner: Like we have been doing, if you win once all members must review two chapters of your book following the end of the round. The only addition here, is that one of the comments must be an overall review of the chapter. It doesn't have to be incredibly long, just show that you've read the chapter and give some helpful feedback :)

2nd Time Winner: If you win the round and have won previously, there are now more prizes to be gained!

This time everyone in the club will review only 1 chapter of your book, but additionally each member will also submit a question regarding the winner's book. The question should be directed to the author and can be anything that you are interested in knowing regarding their book.

This will compile a second interview for the author to be published here!

3rd Time Winner: In addition to having 2 chapters reviewed by everyone once again, the author will get to submit questions to me for a quiz contest to draw in more readers outside the club!

Example: In Heart of Crystals, what color crystal does Cerise wield?

I would post these on my message board throughout the week, and the first person to answer correctly would win votes and a review on one chapter from me. This contest would be open to anyone who sees the post, hopefully bringing you more readers!

Helpful Score!
Each member at the end of the round will be asked who gave them the most helpful feedback. Whoever is named, will receive 20 extra points to their overall score. This could really work to put someone over the top when the scores are close!

+ 5 to overall review of the chapter
While it is mandatory to give the winner of a round an overall review of their chapter, it's not required for comments during the round.

Now, members that give an overall review of a chapter will have 5 points instantly added to that overall comment's score. For example, if the comment received a score of 6 but it was reviewing the entire chapter, 5 points would automatically be added. Making the total 11 points for that comment.

Grammar Point Change
Grammar points will now be receiving one point per comment. So if you post five grammar comments on one chapter, you will be earning 5 points for those comments.

Between Round Engagement
After a round ends, I will announce when the next round is to take place the next day. (It will likely be another 5-7 days. So we'll have a week on and then about a week off).

At the end of the round, I'll ask each member if they'd like to submit a question for fellow members to answer regarding their writing. This gives you an opportunity to ask specific questions to those that have been reading your work! It can be anything from the direction of your book, to characters, or even how do they think you could draw more readers in. I will put these questions in a chapter, stating who asked what, so members can give feedback.

This is an optional part of the club, if you'd like this type of critiques. You do not have to engage to be eligible to participate in future rounds.

Officer Forms
I have published a chapter for officer forms. If you'd like to help out, please check out that chapter!


That's it for now :) All of these additions are on a trial run. We'll see how they fit, and keep what's working and ditch what's not! The goal is to boost you wonderful authors in your writing, and we'll keep fine tuning to do just that!

As ever, Berly

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