Chapter 1

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The snow in Philadelphia is vicious as I get into the taxi that will take me to my parents. The traffic today is sick.

I mean, it is Christmas Eve.

My luggage is in the back.

The driver takes me to Mom's and helps me get my luggage. I pay him and tip him well, and then I go in the house.

My whole family and Katie's whole family is here.

My fiancé, Dean, it not. He's at his parents in D.C.

We kissed me goodbye for so long that I missed my flight yesterday and had to reschedule.

Mom and Dad moved when they got wealthier and now they own a gorgeous two story house with five bedrooms and four bathrooms, and a home gym, and hot tub, and a pool.

"Megan!" Mom hugs me.

Everyone else immerses me in hugs.

Katie lives in Washington D.C. like I do but she got here first because I had to work today.

Mom sends me to the room I'm sharing with Katie.

I leave my bags and such up there, making a mental note to wrap the rest of my gifts later.

I go downstairs and into the kitchen and everyone is whispering frantically.

"It could be some stalker and she works with a giant insurance agency."

"No." Katie says. "It could be-"

"Not tell me what?" I interrupt, eying Katie.

Mom looks at me with wide eyes, and then looks at Dad.

He sighs.

"You got a letter." he says.

"Okay." I frown. "So? People mess up my address all the time."

My Dad is state senate of Pennsylvania so if someone can't find my address, they just send it to my parents and they mail it to me.

"It came in today." mom says quietly.

"Okay." I say. "So?" I hold my hand out for it.

Now that I'm twenty four and work in an insurance agency with files in a skyscraper, I'm used to mail.

Mom sighs and hands it to me.

It's from Chicago, Illinois.

I frown.

"Well at least it's not a bill." I sigh.

It's handwritten.

"The handwriting looks fam-"

The word familiar dies on my lips as I realize why.

It's Ty's handwriting.

I take a deep breath.

"I'm going to go upstairs." I say.

"Why?" Mom asks. "It's been seven years-"

I turn around and walk away before the you made a mistake and you need to move on lecture starts for the trillionth time.

I go upstairs and lock myself in the bathroom.

I sit down on the shut toilet and rip open the letter.

There is a plane ticket to Chicago.

There is a letter.

It's not addressed to me.

It just gets right to it.

It doesn't mean it's Ty.

There's still no proof.

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