I wore some dark baggy jeans and a oversized black shirt that i topped of with a black coat. i had a rolex watch on my hand that was clearly shown since the sleeves of my coat were rolled up. It was the same one i gifted to Taylor just the men's version. I had my black headband wrapped around my forehead.

Her mom took my hand and shook it. She looked pretty nervous but i ignored it. I was here for Taylor, not to meet her fucking parents.

"I'm Ava." Her mom said as she pulled away her hand and smiled at me. 

My cold expression remained. "Is Taylor here?" I asked pointing out the only thing i came here for.

her mother fliched sightly and nodded. "yeah, let me get her." she said before she went upstairs to Taylor's room i suspect. i stepped inside the house and closed the door behind me. it was freaking snowing outside i can't possibly be out in the cold for so long. I waited patiently downstairs before i heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs.

Taylor's POV:

i was smoking a cigarette in my room enjoying the flavor of tobacco when suddenly i heard a knock on my bedroom door making me flich.

"Taylor, can i come in?" My mom spoke. fuck!

"No!" i yelled as i quickly shoved the cigarette out of the window and grabbed a spray bottle to spray my room so she couldn't smell the sudden tobacco that i just smoked.

"It's important." she said from the outside of my room. 

I opened my bedroom door and stepped on the hallway before closing it behind me. "What is it?!"

"There's someone downstairs to see you." my mom said. "I'll talk with you about other stuff later but just.. don't you dare let this man off the hook!" she whispered-yelled. the fuck is going on?!

Tom's POV:

I waited patiently downstairs, looking at the stairs as i watched Taylor's legs slowly come in sight. she wore leggings and a sweater. she had her cute hello kitty slippers on that i adored. I saw her glance at me trying to see who was waiting for her. Her expressions changed from curious to shocked, maybe mad aswell.

"Tom, what are you doing here?" she asked looking at me infront of the stairs. 

"surprise." i said as i smirked. Her mom was watching us comunicate at the side of the stairs, her presence annoyed me.

Taylor's expressions finally changed to happy as she ran up to me and hugged me. i wrapped my hands around her waist and hugged her back. i couldn't give a flying fuck if her mom was watching us, i needed to hug Taylor so i wouldn't just back off when i had the chance.

She pulled away slightly smilling at me. "What brought you here? i thought you didn't have winter tires." she said looking up at me.

I brushed a hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. "I got them today, princess. i thought about seeing you." I said smilling at her.

"oh." she glanced back at her mother. "i see you guys met." she said in a slightly nervous voice.

I didn't bother just looking at Taylor so that's what i did. i didn't steal a glance in her mother's direction. "we did," Is all I've said.

"wanna go up to my room?" 

"you know i'm always in for some privacy." I smirked at Taylor as i saw her cheeks turn slightly pink. she hit my back with her hand which made my grin even wider.

She turned to her mom. "We'll be upstairs." Taylor said before she took my hand and we went upstairs. Her mom just watched behind us as we went to Taylor's room. she locked the door.

When Your Eyes Meet Mine - Tom Kaulitz丰Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora