Chapter 14

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Caelan's POV~

My driver gets into the car, getting himself buckled up before starting the engine. My mother and I had a long talk.

She just wanted to voice that she was perfectly okay with Kourtney and I doing whatever we were doing.

All she and Kris want us to do is not speak on it to the media until we are absolutely certain.

Kourtney and I sit in comfortable silence as my driver takes us to our destination. It's a cute little discreet lunch spot. Nothing fancy. But it is a place I have been going to for years.

I'm very close with the family that owns it. An elderly couple and their three grandchildren. The couples daughter passed away from cancer, leaving them her children. Three boys. They are six, seven, and ten years old.

When I first started coming here, four years ago, the boys were only two, three, and six. Some people would tell me that I shouldn't have gotten involved or attached to the family.

But I have. Every holiday, I make sure to visit them, along with various times throughout the month. I called them before leaving my mother's. I rented out their party section. That way, Kourtney and I have more privacy.

After the sort of long drive, my driver stops just outside of the alleyway. I get out and help Kourtney out. After I close the door, my driver goes on his way. Knowing that I'll message him ten thirty minutes before we are ready to leave. Kourtney looks at me suspiciously as I lead her down the alleyway.

"Right this way." I say, opening the side exit of the restaurant. Kourtney nervously chuckles and walks in. "Caelan!" I hear as we reach the back room where the boys play when they aren't helping out. "Hey, Danny." I say with a wide smile.

The six year old boy latches onto my leg, hugging me tight. Marietta, his grandmother, comes in. A smile on her face. "Kourtney, this is Marietta and her youngest grandson Danny." I say, introducing them.

"It's lovely to meet you!" Marietta says, hugging Kourtney. Taking her by surprise. Kourtney laughs, hugging her back. "It's nice to meet you too." Kourtney says.

Once they pull apart, she looks at Danny with a big smile. "It's nice to meet you as well." Kourtney says.

"Are you Caelan's girlfriend?" Danny asks with no fear as he lets go of my leg. He looks up at her with his brow raised and his arms crossed. "Danny, mind your manners." Marietta says, glaring at the boy.

"Come, we have your table ready." Marietta says. As she leads the way to the private seating, she whispers to Danny as he walks beside her. By the look of it, she's lecturing him.

I pull Kourtney's chair out for her before sitting across from her. Danny comes back with his apron on and a notepad. "Where are your brothers l, Danny?" I ask as he climbs into the chair next to me.

"They went with pap on a delivery." Danny says. He gives Kourtney and I a menu, sitting here waiting for us to choose.

"Danny, what have I told you about sitting down with customers?" Marietta asks as she comes in with her famous rolls and homemade garlic butter.

"But it's Caelan." Danny groans. "Danny." I say softly. He stands up and waits at the end of the table. Apologizing to his grandmother.

Kourtney and I tell him our drink and food order. "Thank you." We say to him and his grandmother before they head to the kitchen. "You seem really close with them." Kourtney says with a soft smile.

"I am." I say softly. Kourtney and I carry on conversations as we enjoy our lunch. Sadly, she didn't get to meet the rest of the family. But I will be sure to bring her back here sometime.

My driver was waiting for us. We quickly get in the car, and he drives us to our next destination. I'm taking Kourtney to a smash/rage room. I think with everything she has been through, it's a good idea.

Kourtney has a smile on her face as we suit up. We put on goggles, gloves, and a jumpsuit. We go into a smash room. "Here." I say softly, handing her a plate. I grab one as well, together, we break them.

We keep breaking things. Eventually, Kourtney grabs a bat and takes it to a broken TV. I stand back as she starts beating the crap put of it. I can feel her taking all her anger out on the TV.

Kourtney screams a few times, smashing the TV hard. Once she's done, she drops the bat. Huffing loudly. She wraps her arms around my torso, hugging me tightly. "Thank you." Kourtney mumbles.

After we left the smash/rage room, we had a long car ride ahead of us. But we eventually made it to our final destination. A fair.

My goal was to make sure Kourtney had a good time, and I think I succeeded at that. We ate all the fair food, rode the rides, and played several games. I even won her a stuffed animal.

There were several different celebrities there and a lot of paparazzi. Kourtney and I walked around hand in hand, ignoring them. Once we are back in the car, Kourtney smashes her lips against mine. "Today has been amazing!" She says. I can't help the smile that grows on my face. "I'm glad." I said softly.

We head back home. Kourtney stays cuddled into my side the entire time. Both of us look out the window as the comfortable silence consumes us once again. My arm wrapped around her, holding her close.

When we finally get home, it's close to midnight. It has been a good long day. I slowly walk her to the front door of the guest house. I think I'm going to extend my driveway so she can park her car closer. I might even add another garage or two.

We stop in front of the door, facing each other. "Do you have your keys?" I ask softly as there is barely any space between us. Kourtney nods her head as she tightens her grip on the stuffed fish.

Kourtney traps her bottom lip between her teeth. She looked up at me with a certain anticipation. Kourtney glances down at my lips as she nervously rocks from her heels to her toes.

I take my finger, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear. I lean down and capture her lips in a long, soft kiss made up of several kisses.

"Goodnight." I mumble against her lips, pulling away. The kiss left us both wanting more. I wait for her to go in before I head back around to my front door. A smile on my face as I think about our night.

[A/n~ Chapter 14]

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