Chapter 3

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Third Person POV~

She walked into her mother's home. Caitlyn is getting ready to take Kendall and Kylie to school. She hugged them both goodbye. Telling them to have a good day.

Then, she makes her way into the den, finding her mom, Kim, and Khloe. They are all sipping on a glass of red wine.

Kris calls for her chef to bring Kourtney a glass of rosé as that is what she prefers.

She sits down and joins them in their conversation. It quickly turns into a conversation about Caelan.

"Meredith called me last night about these rumors going around." Kris says, looking at Kourtney.

"They aren't true." Kim states. Knowing that the whole reason Caelan went to Kourtney's was because she asked.

"Meredith and I don't care if they are true. We want Caelan and Kourtney to be happy." Kris states first and foremost.

"We just both need to protect our families, especially with Scott going around half-cocked, making the situation worse." Kris says.

Kourtney rolls her eyes, saying, "Nothing is going to make him stop."

"Are you sure there is nothing between you and Caelan? Not even a little something?" Khloe asks Kourtney.

Because from her perspective, she's seen some things. Like how Caelan would seem jealous when she'd see Kourtney and Scott together.

"Why would you ask that?" Kim asks. She hasn't seen the things Khloe has. "I have my reasons." Khloe says with a shrug.

"Caelan and I are friends. I haven't been a very good friend to her while in a relationship with Scott. But a friend, at the least." Kourtney says.

"Does Caelan view you the same? As a friend?" Khloe asks, pressing the topic. Making Kim grow suspicious of what the youngest Kardashian woman knows.

Kourtney sits there, shocked at her younger sisters questions.

"Khloe, it's not important. What is important is that we get this all cleared up." Kris says.

"Meredith and I have arranged an interview with Ellen since she is a close friend." Kris says.

"An interview for what?" Kim asks. "Kourtney and Caelan will do the interview together. To announce that they are creating a clothing line together." Kris says.

"The two of you did it when y'all first started out. It would make sense for you to do it again." Kris adds.

"How will that clear up the dating rumors?" Kourtney asks. "Because, while there, Ellen will ask about it. As she does anytime that one of you goes on her show." Kris says.

"Then you two will explain that you were at breakfast together to discuss business. You are friends and family friends. It would only make sense business be more personal and not formal." Kris ends.

The three women nod their heads, knowing that it would all make sense. That's why she is their manager.

"Do I need to call Caelan about all of this?" Kim asks. "Meredith is supposed to be having a talk with her." Kris says, sipping on her wine.

Kourtney holds her glass to her lips and takes a few big gulps. "As for Scott?" Kourtney asks. "He will be dealt with." Kris states simply.

After Kourtney gets home, she doesn't do anything but go straight upstairs to her bed.

She plops down on it, landing on her back. Holding her phone up so she can see what she's doing.

She dials the one number she hasn't dialed in a long time.

Caelan- Hey, stranger.

Kourtney- Hey.

Caelan- Have you heard?

Kourtney- We are set to go on Ellen in a few days.

Caelan- We should probably work on a fashion line idea if we want to make it believable.

Kourtney- Are you free now? I could make dinner.

Caelan- You are a bomb ass cook.

Kourtney- Thanks.

Caelan- I'll be there, say, in an hour.

Kourtney - In an hour.

They hung up. Caelan sighs, placing her phone down on her bathroom counter. She looks up into the foggy mirror.

Wiping the condensation off, her face comes into view. Her short hair was dripping wet as she just got out of the shower.

Caelan isn't sure what she is feeling. All the questions her mother had asked her, running through her mind.

She dries off and gets ready to head over to Kourtney's place. Picking up a bottle of Rosé to go along with whatever Kourtney will cook for them.

As Kourtney starts cooking, she zones out momentarily. She tried to get Khloe to say why she asked those questions. The youngest Kardashian woman wouldn't budge.

Khloe knows that she should stay quiet about what she has seen. As something is telling her that maybe Caelan doesn't even know of her own feelings.

Kourtney decides to make a simple pasta. One thing everyone knows is that the Kar-Jenner family, as well as the Quinn's, love their pastas.

Caelan was true to her word. She showed up an hour later, the pasta getting done a few moments before Kourtney went and opened the door for the taller woman.

"Hey, I brought a gift." Caelan says. Showing Kourtney the bottle of Rosé. The eldest Kardashian grins and gladly takes the bottle.

"Come on in." Kourtney says. Stepping to the side, opening the door wider. Caelan steps inside. All while being watched.

Yes. By Kourtney. But also from across the street where Scott sits in his car. He grips the steering wheel tights, his jaw clenching.

"I fucking knew it!" He seethes. His alcohol soaked breath and spit hit the driverside window.

"I made pasta." Kourtney says with a wide smile. Caelan chuckles, a grin planted on her face. "Who would have guessed." She teases.

As they sit down at her breakfast table with glasses of rosé and bowls of pasta. Scott angrily gets out of his car.

He makes his way across the street, a bottle of liquor in his hand. His favorite, Jack Daniels.

Kourtney lives in a gated community. How did he get the code to the gate? Answer unknown.

He starts pounding on the door, trying to open it. But Kourtney has a good habit of locking it whether she's home or not.

Even if she had a house full of bodyguards or police, she'd still lock her door.

Inside the house, Kourtney jumps as she hears the banging. Scott's drunken words of hatred heard in a mumble.

"Kourtney, go upstairs, and call the cops." Caelan says calmly. Knowing Scott is drunk and unhinged.

Deep down, the only fear she has is the concern for Kourtney's safety.

"What!?" Kourtney asks panicked. Not wanting to leave Caelan down here alone and not wanting to go upstairs alone.

"Look at me, trust me. Go upstairs. Lock yourself in your room. Then, lock yourself in your bathroom. Call the police." Caelan says.

Kourtney reluctantly runs upstairs. Doing everything that Caelan told her to do. Step by step.

[A/n- Third chapter. Whoop whoop!]

Love You Right Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora