Chapter 5

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Kourtney's POV~

I woke up, scared for a moment as I forgot where I was. Rolling out of the bed. I go into the hallway, trying to find the bathroom.

"Kourtney? What are you doing here? Why are you... oh my God! It's true! You and Caelan are hooking up!" Morgan shrieks. Morgan is Caelan's younger sister.

I look down at myself, noticing that I am once again in a silk night gown in front of yet another Quinn.

Before I could say anything, Kim and Khloe both come rushing down the hall panicked. They sigh in relief once they realize that Morgan was making all the ruckus.

The youngest Quinn's eyes widen even more, and she looks between the three of us. "No." She says quietly as if she's afraid someone will hear now.

"Morgan, I am not sleeping with your sister! And neither are Kim and Khloe! Get your head out of the gutter." I state.

"Now, someone tell me where the bathroom is before I wet myself." I groan.

Caelan laughed hysterically. Morgan explained her thought process of what she thought was going on this morning.

Then Khloe had been looking strangely between Caelan and I all morning.

After breakfast, Morgan, Khloe, and Kim left. Leaving Caelan and I to get started on the fashion line. Also so we can prepare for Ellen tomorrow.

The doorbell rings through her house, scaring me. She sees this and places her hand on my forearm. Comforting me.

"It's okay." Caelan says softly. I watch as she stands up from the table. She goes to make her way to the front door.

I get up as well and follow at a distance. Once we reach her door, she opens it with a smile on her face.

Her father comes in. The two of them embrace each other in a big hug.

"Have I interrupted?" He asks Caelan in a whisper as he sees me. "Kourtney and I are just going over our fashion line and prepping for our interview with Ellen." She says, nudging her father.

The two of them make their way away from the front door, coming in my direction. "It's good to see you, Kourtney." He says.

"It's good to see you too, Mr. Quinn." I say, giving him a small hug. "Please, call me Spencer." He chuckles.

A smile reaches my face, and I nod my head. "Spencer it is." I say.

I watch them walk towards the living room. Caelan looks so much like her father.

Meredith and Spencer and everyone else thought Caelan was a boy at first. They even named her after him. Her middle name is Spencer.

I remember when we were kids. She was eight, and I was nine. Still, everyone thought she was a boy at that time.

I had the biggest crush on her. I never told anyone. After all, it was only a childish crush.

I follow the two into Caelan's living room. Spencer is talking about the trouble he's having with Erica.

Erica is Caelan's older sister. She and I are the same age, but we never really had a friendship. More of an acquaintanceship.

Morgan, however, she is everyone's best friend. A social butterfly, as one would say. She definitely doesn't have a filter. Something Kim and her are a lot alike with. Khloe as well.

"What did she do this time?" Caelan asks her father with a chuckle. "She refuses to bring that boyfriend of hers around." Spencer says.

"Maybe it's because she is afraid that you will scare her off like you did the others." Caelan says with a smirk.

"Oh, please. Those boys ran off because they were scared of you." Spencer laughs. Patting his daughters broad shoulder.

Caelan laughs. I can't help but lean against the wall. Watching their interaction.

"How rude of us, Kourtney. Please come join us." Spencer says. Waving me over to sit with them on the couch.

Chuckling, I make my way over. I sit down near Caelan. As I do, the bell rings once again. I jump, but slightly less than last time.

Caelan excuses herself and gets up to go see who's at the door. I don't fear that it's anyone bad.

We are in a heavily gated community. There is a second gate at the top of her private drive. Then, a third once you actually get up to her house.

One thing I know about Caelan is that she's a protector. That was made even more clear yesterday.

"How are you doing?" Spencer asks me. "I'm still a little shaken up, but I'm better." I say truthfully.

"I'm glad my daughter was there for you." He says. A soft smile plasters across my lips, and I nod my head slightly. "I am as well." I say.

"Our father is being unreasonable!" Erica shouts as she comes into the living room. Spencer laughs, catching her attention.

"Ugh!" Erica groans. Caelan laughs, saying, "I tried telling you that he was here. You should have listened."

Erica glares at her younger sister, smacking her on the shoulder.

Caelan doesn't have any reaction but to laugh. I imagine that it didn't hurt her.

"How am I the unreasonable one?" Spencer asks with a smirk, resting into the couch.

"I said no to bringing my boyfriend around, and the next day, I'm being followed by your security!" Erica shouts angrily.

"Erica, lower your voice." Caelan says as she looks at me. Seeing as I was getting a little uncomfortable.

"As for dad being concerned about your safety, it's not unreasonable." Caelan says. Being more serious now.

"The last time you refused to bring your boyfriend around, he was a bad guy." Caelan says.

"Most men are, but I can take care of myself. I don't need either of you playing protector." Erica argues.

"Well, tough." Spencer states. Erica rolls her eyes, shaking her head in disbelief. "I need a drink." She scoffs, walking off.

"You should really draw up a map for your house and post them up everywhere." I say as Caelan had to show me the way to the room I'm staying in.

"Like a museum?" She asks with a chuckle. "It's big enough to be one." I tease.

"Get some sleep, okay." She says as she knows I didn't sleep that long. As I was up in her room talking to her for a while after sobbing.

"You too." I say. I watch as she walks down the hall. "Caelan." I say, causing her to stop and look at me. "Thank you for everything." I say.

"Anytime, Kourtney. I'm here for you whenever you need. Always." She says.

[A/n~ chapter 5]

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