Tabletop (Pat/Non) - Behind the Wall

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Author's note: Part 9/??

Correcting his mistake took more energy from Non than he thought. The flowers covering the tabletops were in the right shape and stage of bloom, exactly like his mother wanted. Non was drained, and his palms stung and hurt. They still bleed, though not as much as before. He knew he should get them treated, but the simple thought of meeting his mother horrified him. So, instead, with the rest of the energy left, he ran out of the greenhouse, following the known path. 

"P'Pat!" Nonsee shouted, hoping the older man was at their secret meeting spot. The silence from the other side brought tears back into his eyes. 

"P'Pat." The sob escaped his mouth. Non leaned on the wall, jumping a little as if it could help him to take a look over the giant barrier. 

"P'Pat... P'Pat..." He repeated, letting the tears roll down his pale cheeks. His legs gave out, and he fell on the dirty ground, leaving the red spots on the white plaster. Burying his face into his bent knees, Nonsee let all the pain out. He wanted to hear Pat's calming voice. Though the doctor warned him, Non still hoped they could meet today. But there was no one on the other side. His eyes were heavy, slowly closing, and before Non realized, he fell asleep slumped against the wall.

"Non! Are you there?!" Pat's voice pulled him out of the darkness. He was still a little disoriented, but he managed to answer. 


"You are here." The relieved sigh from behind the wall triggered the tears again.

"P'Pat." Non sobbed. 

"Why are you crying? Did something happen?" Pat asked, worried. Nonsee shuffled, straightening his position. His back hurt from being unnaturally bent, not to mention his palms. He glanced at them, finding out that the bleeding stopped at some point. He could see the bits of pebbles in the scraps as he looked closely at the wounds.

"Non?" Pat called him again. Nonsee wanted to tell him everything, but he was scared the doctor would leave him.

"I fell and scraped my palms. It hurts." He ended up saying. 

"Did you treat it?"

"No, I don't know how." 

There was a pause from Pat before he spoke again. "Wait here." 

Nonsee didn't know what the doctor was doing. He could hear the quick steps, running from side to side. And then the loud bang echoed through the area, and then another and another. Non gasped, feeling the vibration resounding through the wall and into his body. 

What the hell was Pat doing?

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