Playground (Pick/Rome - Khai/Third)

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The park was too loud for Pick's liking, and it seemed neither Khai enjoyed it. His tall friend was slumped beside him, supporting his head with his hands while pouting. Pick snorted at him and continued watching his fiance and Khai's husband playing in the playground with Porsche's and Emma's daughter. The broad smile on Rome's face removed all the annoyance he felt before. Even Third looked happy. Pick glanced at Khai again, and he couldn't help but wonder why the older male behaved like a kicked puppy. 

"Why do you look like someone stole your toy?" Pick asked. Khai groaned, glancing at him. 

"We are thinking about having a child," Khai spoke up.


"I did some research. It won't be that easy." Khai sighed. Pick nodded. He didn't need to hear more. The way to parenthood wasn't easy for gay couples. 

"I and Rome will help you if you need."  Pick answered. They were friends, after all. 

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