Box (Maetee/T-Rex)

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There was a mysterious box lying on the kitchen table for two days. No one seemed to mind it, but Maetee felt uneasy every time he saw it. The box wasn't big, barely the size of a handkerchief. It was made of wood and looked old and ugly. Maetee didn't know what was inside, and he wasn't brave enough to take a glance. Maybe it was cursed. It was weird Watee didn't mind it. 

"What are you doing?" Teedet asked, making Maetee jump. 

"Watching that box." Maetee glanced at the table. Teedet's eyebrow raised, scanning the place Maetee was talking about. 

"There's nothing on the table." He answered, shaking his head before walking away and leaving frightened Maetee alone. It didn't take much time for Teedo to come home, finding frozen Maetee near the kitchen.

"You okay, Maetee?" Teedo asked worriedly. 

"Do you see the wooden box on the table?" Maetee gulped, looking at his friend. Teedo glanced at the table, biting his lower lip. 

"No." He answered and quickly left. Maetee let out a high-pitched scream, running to his room. He jumped on the bed and hid under the covers. There was no way that only he saw it. He closed his eyes, trying to erase the scary thoughts as he slowly fell asleep. 

"Maetee." The familiar voice woke him up.

"T-Rex." Maetee sprung from under the covers, clinging to his tiny boyfriend. 

"I am here. What happened?" 

"On the table is a wooden box only I can see." Maetee cried out, burying his tear-stained face into T-Rex's chest. 

"What?"His boyfriend asked, confused.

"Teedet and Teedo can't see it, but I can." Maetee managed to stutter through his hiccups. 

"I am going to kill them."T-Rex exhaled angrily. He proceeds to carrease Maetee's hair.

"Listen, honey. We all can see the box. Maitee bought it for the napkins. Teedet and Teedo pranked you, and I am going to scold them. Can you wait for me here?" T-Rex explained. Maetee nodded, letting the younger boy go. Later, he heard his boyfriend scolding the two pranksters and instantly felt better. 

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