Tattle (Sean/White) - Devils in the House

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Author's note: Part 11/??

The gang with the demon twins settled on the sofas. Sean sat closer to White. Black's glare showed his disagreement, but Sean didn't give a fuck, though. Something in him pulled him towards the younger demon. White glanced at him, a small smile appearing on his worried face. Sean's desire to pull him closer and comfort him increased. It honestly confused him. He never felt like this before. Maybe White used some kind of demon magic on him?

"So, who is this Duke Todd?" Gumpa aimed the question at the twins. 

"Dick," Black growled, and the flames on his horns grew larger. Sean rolled his eyes in annoyance. Black wasn't one to tattle. And he definitely didn't like to share information either. 

"Duke Todd is a higher demon," White stated. It didn't explain much to them. 

"Our realm has three classes of demons. The lower. They consist of brainless beasts. The middle. These are smarter and have half-human visages. And the higher demons. They look like humans and are more powerful and intelligent. Those with enormous power have their domains and servants to rule over." White explained. 

"Sounds like something straight from a fiction book." Gram uttered. 

"So this Duke Todd is your boyfriend?" Yok asked, and Sean's heart tightened, waiting for White's answer.

"No. He did demand me to marry him, though." White nodded. 

"I assume you said no," Gumpa stated.

"I did. But our parents had a different opinion." 

"They fucking sell him to that fucker!" Black shouted angrily. 

"They would do anything to get rid of the unmarked son. I am their biggest shame and disappointment." White sighed, looking at the floor. Black growled, pulling him into the embrace, hiding him from the other eyes. 

"Not disappointment."Black exhaled. 

"Do you have an idea why Todd is here?" Gumpa asked, diverting the attention elsewhere. Both demons shook their heads. 

"Maybe he doesn't know about you two, either." Sean pointed out, hoping it was true. 

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