Childish (Off/Gun)

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Off watched Gun running around the meeting room, playing with New. Tay was sitting next to him, enjoying the commotion. He wasn't happy about the childish behaviour of his cute little boyfriend, but he stayed quiet. 

"Stop frowning. You will get wrinkles." Tay nudged him. 

"I am not frowning." Off rolled his eyes before giving his attention back to the shorter man. Tay clicked his tongue and shook his head. 

"Look, if you don't like how Pet behaves, you should tell him." 

"He can do whatever he wants." Off stated, not letting his eyes from the adorable male. New chased him around the chairs, and Gun tried to hide from him while laughing. The corners of his full, pink lips were up, revealing the cute dimple, Off loved to kiss. 

"Yeah, sure." Tay sighed. "But don't come to me whining later." 

"Sure." Off retorted, though he knew talking to Gun would be the best. To tell him to cut the running a little bit and be careful not to hurt himself. After all, they will get married in a week, and it wouldn't be pleasant for Gun to walk down the aisle with crutches. 

OffGun August Collection of Drabbles 2023Where stories live. Discover now