Rollercoaster (Khai/Third)

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Third's insides felt like someone put them into the blender, and what was left was put into the washing machine. His face was paler than a white wall, and he was dizzy. His legs felt like jelly, and he couldn't walk properly. He leaned into Khai, letting him guide him to the nearest bench. His boyfriend gently settled him on it and immediately plopped next to him, pulling him to his chest. Third, exhaled deeply, hoping to stop the nausea. He snuggled closer to Khai, inhaling the familiar calming scent. Closing his eyes, Third tried to ignore the breakfast slowly creeping up his throat.

"You have a death wish?!" Khai barked at Two and Bone, who stood at a safe distance from the bench. 

"No one forced him." Bone protested, and Third had to agree. No one forced him to ride the rollercoaster with them, and the bet wasn't to blame too. Third could easily say no, and pay for the trip the gang was supposed to go on the next week, but he wanted to show his boyfriend he could overcome his weak stomach. Everything was good until the ride stopped, and the sickness hit him in full force. 

"Who came up with that stupid bet, then?" Khai growled, moving a little. It was all it took for Third to feel the familiar pull in his abdomen. His eyes snapped open, and he barely turned away from Khai before emptying the content of his stomach on the road. 

"Third!" Khai shouted, immediately getting his hands on him. 

"I am good." Third, managed to mumble after the vomiting session. Two, handed him a bottle of water, and Khai helped him rinse his mouth. 

"I won. You two are paying." He added, leaning back at his boyfriend, letting him fuss about him more. 

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