Recess (Pick/Rome)

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The time during recess was always the busiest and most annoying to thirteen-year-old Pick. All the kids from all the classes ran into the playground behind the school and became noisy. Pick didn't like noisy kids. Unfortunately, his best friend Porsche was one of those hyperactive human beings. When the bell rang announcing the end of the class, Pick quickly ran out of the room and out to the yard, hiding under his favourite tree far from all the annoying sounds. Taking out the book from his pants pocket, he started to read. 

"Can I sit here?" The soft voice interrupted him not long after. Pick frowned, ready to send the intruder away. He looked up from his book and froze. Right in front of him stood the prettiest boy he ever saw. He was shorter than him, with black, unruly hair, a cute dimple on the cheek, full pink lips and big round chocolate eyes. He seemed nervous, holding a light green snack box.  

Pick recognised him. His name was Rome, two years younger than him and always sticking to Emma's side. The girl that his idiotic best friend had a crush on. Thinking about it. Pick didn't see the girl around today. 

"Can I, P'Pick?" Rome asked, blinking cutely at him. Pick nodded hesitantly, watching as the younger boy plopped beside him. Not too close or too far. He opened the box, revealing two sandwiches. They looked delicious.

"Do you want one? I always have one for Emma, but she's at the dentist today." Rome showed the box to him, waiting. Pick wanted to refuse, but something in Rome's soft voice made him nod again. 

"Thank you." Pick hummed, taking one sandwich and biting it. The myriad of flavours exploded on his tongue, making him moan. 

"I am glad you like it, P'Pick. I made it myself." Rome smiled at him before tasting his creation. They finished the food in silence. Pick appreciated Rome's calm nature, so he didn't even mind the younger's presence. Pick shared the book he was reading with Rome in return. The setting was pleasant, and he almost cursed the bell for ruining their peaceful time. 

"Bye, P'Pick. It was nice to sit with you." Rome said before hurrying to his class. Pick dragged himself back to his class. Sitting at his place and looking out the window, observing the tree he and Rome occupied a moment ago. 

If he knew it was their first step to becoming husbands in the future, he would surely laugh.  

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