chapter 1

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Na://hallo this is my first book I'm sorry for any mistakes .Also this book is inspired by hellojelloxoxo check her books she is a great writer:)
wordcount 1195

Dream sat at his cluttered office desk, diligently working on some important documents. The room was filled with the soft hum of the air conditioner and the faint sound of typing. As he focused on the task at hand, the door suddenly swung open, interrupting his concentration. It was Sapnap, Dream's best friend, who burst into the room with his usual exuberance.

"Hello, Dream!" Sapnap greeted, a wide grin on his face. "Me and Karl are heading out to grab some drinks. Wanna come?" Dream looked up from his work, a tired expression on his face. He ran a hand through his messy hair, contemplating the offer"no". The past week had been filled with long hours and tight deadlines, leaving him exhausted."you have been working hard all week, you deserve a break. "

Dream glanced at the pile of papers on his desk, his mind torn between the need for relaxation and the pressure of his responsibilities. He sighed, feeling the weight of exhaustion and stress on his shoulders. He knew Sapnap was right, but he couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by his workload. Reluctantly, he gave in to the temptation. "Fine," he said in a slightly annoyed tone. "I'll join you guys, but only for a little while."

Sapnap's face broke into a wide smile, his eyes shining with excitement. "That's the spirit!" he exclaimed. "You deserve a break, my friend." Dream mustered a tired smile in response, appreciating Sapnap's efforts to lift his spirits.
At the bar, Dream found a seat next to the bartender. The dimly lit room was filled with the aroma of various drinks and the murmur of conversations. As he sat there, he couldn't help but let his gaze wander around the room. The bar was filled with people laughing, clinking glasses, and enjoying the company of friends.

And that's when he saw him - a handsome brunette standing across the room, engaged in an animated conversation with someone else. Dream felt a flutter in his chest just by looking at him, his heart skipping a beat. The brunette had a warm smile and a twinkle in his eyes that captivated Dream's attention. He was drawn to the magnetic energy that seemed to emanate from him.

Dream's curiosity piqued, he scanned the bar, searching for Sapnap and Karl. His eyes darted from one face to another, trying to spot his friends amidst the crowd. Finally, he spotted them. Karl was swaying slightly, clearly under the influence of a few too many drinks, while Sapnap tried to deal with him.

But then something unexpected happened. Karl broke free from Sapnap's grasp and stumbled his way towards the brunette, a wide grin plastered on his face. Dream's surprise turned to confusion as he watched Karl embrace the brunette in a tight hug. To his even greater surprise, the brunette hugged Karl back, a warm smile on his face. Dream couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy mixed with intrigue.

"George, I missed you," Karl slurred, his words slightly slurred from the alcohol. George chuckled, his voice filled with affection. "Missed you? I saw you yesterday. Are you drunk, Karl?" he replied with a playful tone. Dream observed the interaction, his mind racing with questions. Who was this George? How did Karl know him? And why did Dream feel a strange sense of longing when he saw them together?

Sapnap, feeling apologetic for Karl's behavior, approached George. "I'm so sorry about my friend," he said, a sheepish expression on his face. George shrugged it off with a friendly smile. "It's okay. These things happen." "Karl let him go "  "fine"  Karl muttered as he let go the brunette "I'm George"  "I'm Nick but you can call me sapnap" sapnap said as he shook George's hand "I should take Karl home,bye George" " bye sapnap"

After sapnap left with Karl, Dream approached George,he flashes his most charming smile, hoping to make a lasting impression. "You know, I couldn't help but notice you from across the room," Dream says, leaning against the bar casually. George raises an eyebrow, a playful smirk forming on his lips. "Oh really? Well, I guess I have that effect on people,"And Dream is hit with a sudden realization that not only does George have an attractive and playful personality, he's also very good looking. Dream could feel himself get even more nervous, but he knew he had to keep it together and come up with the perfect response. Dream flashed his most charming smile again and tilted his head slightly. trying to seem confident, despite feeling flustered. "I must say, you're certainly living up to your reputation," Dream said, as he let out a small chuckle and looked deep into George's eyes, feeling his heart beating more quickly.I'm George what's your name?" "Dream" "dream? That's a strange name" says the brunette'it's not my real name it's just a nick name that my friends call me " Well, it's a nice name, regardless," George says, as he leans a little closer to Dream, his eyes studying his face and noting the small smile and sparkle in his eyes. "Where did your nickname come from?" George asks, intrigued by the mystery of the man in front of him. "Well," Dream said, thinking quickly about how he should answer, "It's a long story, but to keep it short, I've always had these big dreams and goals that I want to achieve in my life. And I guess when I was young, my family just decided to call me Dream." In reality, it wasn't exactly the whole truth, but it still seemed to satisfy George, who nodded thoughtfully as Dream spoke.

Dream and George exchanged pleasantries and engaged in light conversation, the atmosphere buzzing with anticipation. Dream found himself drawn to George's charm, his wit, and the genuine interest he showed in their conversation. It felt effortless, like they had known each other for a lifetime.

As the night progressed, Dream and George found themselves engrossed in deep conversations, sharing stories, and laughing at each other's jokes. Dream felt a sense of comfort and ease that he hadn't experienced in a long time. It was as if he had found a missing piece of himself in George.

Hours passed by in a blur as Dream and George continued their conversation, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment. They discovered shared interests, exchanged childhood memories, and confided in each other about their dreams and aspirations. Dream found himself opening up to George in ways he hadn't with anyone else before.

At that moment dream's phone beeped it was a text from sapnap

Dream where are you it's 1:00 am.                          I'm at the bar ,why
Go home we have an important meeting                                         Fine
early in the morning tomorrow.                      
Dream looked up at George as he said "I have to go,but before I do can I have your number?" "Huh oh sure" after that dream and George exchanged there numbers  they said there goodbyes and went there separate ways

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