S P N - Jack Kline intro! au

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Fandom(s): Spn (Supernatural)
Word Count: 1,700

I had the synopsis for this one shot sitting for months... then I speed-ran this entire chapter within the last few hours of my day.


       "Dean, I think you're going to want to see this!" Sam yelled from outside. Dean had to restrain his immediate desire to scream, curse, sob, or all of the above. Castiel, his Cas, lay there covered in a sheet. Dead again. Yet the Winchesters don't get a moment to grieve before there's more shit to do. A literal devil's child to deal with. Dean just wanted to lay there, close his eyes, and pretend Castiel is okay.

       Dean let his hand linger on Castiel's shoulder, still covered by the cloth. Squeezing it slightly while heaving out a sigh, Dean let go and turned around to see what Sam was hollering about. Dean didn't even have to ask what was going on when he stepped outside. After all, the naked teenage male standing there with glowing eyes and a lost expression said enough.

       Sam had his hand on his pistol but had yet to aim it. Dean didn't think kids were supposed to grow this fast even the magical ones, but this had to be the son of Lucifer, right? If this was the nephilim that was just born that day, would he even know how to talk, how to understand them? Dean cautiously went to stand beside Sam, well just a little bit in front of him.

        "Who are you, kid?" Dean asked, wanting to confirm his few theories. He'd learnt a long time ago now that sometimes the shooting could wait. His father would definitely be rolling around in his grave... if he had one.

       "I am Jack, I am looking for my father," Jack said, cementing the fact this was indeed the antichrist. Dean promptly shoved the thought that he looked more like Castiel than Lucifer right out of his mind.

       "Look, Jack, Lucifer isn't exactly daddy material," Dean said, trying the approach Castiel would've liked, had he been there alive. Dean wasn't as eloquent with words, but he'd still try. For Castiel.

      The confused head tilt Jack did following Dean's words made the resemblance to the deceased angel unavoidable. Dean wanted to rip out all the thoughts from his brain. Just so he didn't have to think about Castiel.

         "Lucifer is not my father, Castiel is," Jack said resolutely. As if that wasn't a wild thing to hear from the naked one-day-old antichrist in front of them. Dean threw a look back towards Sam, who didn't seem to know any more than Dean did. Which honestly made him more nervous, Sam usually figured shit out faster than him.

        "What's that supposed to mean?"

         "Lucifer is my biological father, but he's not my father. I chose Castiel, he's what a father is supposed to be. He said he'd protect me, I want to see him," Jack told them. Clearly, speech was not an issue for the nephilim.

          "Well, we're friends of your... fathers. We can take care of you and keep you safe. You just have to listen to us and you can't go to Lucifer," Sam spoke up. Dean tried not to be bitter that he didn't think to run that pretty major idea by him before promising this, definitely dangerous, kid sanctuary.

        "Friends, who are you?" Jack asked. Hesitant to trust the two men in the forest with a concerning amount of ammunition. Which, is fair enough. Plus, there was all of Heaven and Hell scouring the planet for this forbidden nephilim. Jack is well aware of this fact. His mother and father prepared him for a lot.

       "I'm Sam and this is my brother Dean."


         "No, that's Dean," Sam clarified. Thinking Jack had simply misheard. But no, the nephilim only got more certain of himself.

Anything and Everything {Multi-Fandom One Shots}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora