S T - Will Byers | male!oc I

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Fandom(s): Stranger Things
Word Count: 2,470

Fandom(s): Stranger ThingsWord Count: 2,470

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New York was really different. That wasn't to say Will didn't know that New York would be different. He did. But witnessing that difference in real life was astonishing. Will found himself slightly more at peace. And guilty because of it. He was away from his friends. Ones that fought monsters to keep him safe. But New York was free of all that. And Will was relieved. It felt like every place in Hawkins caused him a panic attack now.

Sure, all of them had gone through traumatic shit. Will and Eleven, they faced the worst of it though. They had a direct connection to the monsters and the upside down. So, finally leaving it behind knowing that it was closed, raised a weight like no other. Will still missed his friends more than anything, though. He often found himself grabbing his walkie-talkie and just pressing the buttons for some familiarity. It couldn't reach his friends from how far they were. But Will liked to pretend. He couldn't even touch his DnD board. Even if he did, it's not like any one could play with him.

School was jarring most of all. There were so many more people. And it wasn't just because he was a sixteen-year-old in high school. It was like five times the size of the only Hawkins high school. New York had tons of huge high schools like this one. It was overwhelming. But at the same time, it gave Will a sense of comfort. Not everyone knew who you were. Or what happened to you. To the school, Will was just another shy smart kid that they left alone. He appreciated that for awhile. He wasn't sure if he'd even be able to make friends. Somehow, it felt like he was giving up on his friends. Letting them go. Even if he wasn't.

Will had already been at school for two months when a boy in his grade approached him. Will was in the library, which was insanely massive. It was Will's free period. Normally he'd head over to the library to study and do homework. Will never really paid attention to those around him. Even if there were people at the same table. Will had his books and notes in front of him. His Walkman was in his pocket and he was listening to music recommended by his brother loudly during work sessions. So, Will was more than shocked when someone placed a scrap piece of paper directly on top of the book he was working on.

'What are you listening to? -Takoda' it said. There was room on the bottom for an answer. Will didn't even know who Takoda was. He looked up and saw a boy siting across from him. It was the only person close enough to have given the note. He had dark brown shoulder-length hair. There were a few small braids throughout the regular strands. He had dark tan skin and his fingers were tapping on the table. Which Will didn't even hear because the song was still playing loudly in his ears. The boy was already looking down at the book he was reading. Will was glad he wasn't just sitting there staring at him because then he'd feel awkward.

Will took his pencil off his assignment and put it to the scrap piece of paper. He tried to write his reply neatly. He didn't want this boy thinking badly of him because of his handwriting. Takoda's wasn't too fancy. It was imperfect, actually. But Will thought that any letters that were a little too small than the others looked proper in his writing somehow.

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