Past lives

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I have been listening to this song on repeat for a while while writing.. I highly recommend you listen to it if ya want! :]

And yeah, I know I haven't posted in a while, been feeling unmotivated and in a funk all these months,and when I tried to write again, I got sick and it just knocked me out till' the start of this month.. sorry -_-'..


"If you really think about it.... If you're using soy milk on coffee,... You'd just be putting bean water in more bean water.."

I say quietly as I looked at my master from afar as he started to make his morning coffee. Brutus tilted his head at me in curiousity, glancing at the man in the kitchen before looking back at me, chuckling.

"I guess so... But he ain't using soy milk, just normal everyday
dairy milk.."

He pointed out softly, I hummed with a nod.

"I know, though it is odd to think about, no?"

Brutus chuckled, shaking his head at the conversation we were having. He glanced at my vaccinated shoulder, noticing the slight waver when I walked, he spoke up.

"Yeah, it is. How's your shoulder?"

I sighed, glaring at him.

"Sore, hate getting vaccinated"

I growled grumpily, Brutus sat next to me, his tail softly wrapping around me, gently cleaning my ears whilst ignoring my low growls, knowing that I was still in a bit of a sour mood because of the soreness of the vaccine, easily calming me down.

After the incident, Brutus took notice and assisted when Stella became far too cocky during paired training, easily putting a stop to it by calling her out on her behavior instead of simple ignoring it and letting it carry on. Making the bond between us stronger after the fact.

"Oh hush, ain't that bad"

Brutus huffed out playfully, I let out a playful growl at him, nipping at him playfully. He let out a chuckle at that, easily wrestling me down to the floor, pinning me down with a paw on my back, putting all his weight on me to hold me down, I Let out a huff.

"I hate you"

"Mhm, hate Is quite a strong word, don't you think?"

"Fine, I deeply despise you in this very moment, Brutus"

I huffed, as if angered, but he could easily see through it, chuckling soon after.

"I love you too, my dear"

"Brutus, aster, what's an MWD reunion???"

Our attention quickly was snapped onto the small cat in the doorway of the kitchen in view of the living room, standing near the doggy door of the backyard. Brutus quickly got off of me before sitting down next to me, I just layed on the wooden tiled floor with a huff, looking back at the curious kitten. Answering for Brutus.

"An MWD is a working dog, and 'mwd reunion' is were other MWD meet again after retirement in the military, kitten"

I explained in summary to pixie, answering her constants questions soon after, Brutus smiled at that, chuckling softly.

"And if I remember correctly, both of us are scheduled to such a meet up later in the afternoon"

Brutus reminded me, letting pixie wore herself out as she started a whole new list of 20 questions, leaving us once our master took her to give her breakfast, I let out a deep sigh, unexcited. Brutus tilted his head at me in curiosity.

~A new beginning~ pixie and Brutus Where stories live. Discover now