×~ Runaway kitten ~×

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This is kinda like an au, btw I always thought that aster is a bit of a biker, mostly for sports bikes, of pixie and Brutus and litter box, and let me know if I should do more.!

You take the cooler out of the car as you close the trunk, you smile when Brutus, your boyfriend, takes the heavy cooler out of your hands as pixie bounces next to him.

The day is quite beautiful, the warmth of the sun comforted you as you walked next to Brutus, since the day is quite calm the both of you thought that going to the local park is a good idea, so that pixie can socialize as you and Brutus just enjoy the day with a few drinks.

Pixie giggles happily when you pick her up, balancing her on your hip as you hold Brutus' hand.

The both of you pick a spot with some shade, and you put pixie down as you walk her to the playground, there are a few kids here and there, some are canines and some are felines, between, the years of 5 to 8.

"Okay pup, we'll be over there, if you need something just tell us, okay?"

You chuckled when she nodded eagerly and gently pushed her to the playground.

You sigh as you sit next to Brutus, he chuckled, knowing that you are tired of what had happened last night.


"A little..."

You mumble as you look at pixie from afar, you winced slightly as you move your arm as you lay down, you open your sketchbook and open the page you are working with.

"Well you did start boxing a month ago, give it time, it will go away, like training, love"

You hum and smile when he opens a bottle of water and gives it to you, he sits closer to you to look at what you're drawing, smiling slightly at the new cosplay design for comic con.

"New design?"

He says gently, you nod, and you then stand up and sit on Brutus' lap as he relaxes against a tree, he wraps his arms around your waist and lays his head in the crook of your neck, and smiles when you look at him.

"Hi". You mumble to him.


He says you wag your tail and kiss him and then resume drawing.


You woke up Brutus as you look around, seeing pixie nowhere in sight on the playground, you close your sketchbook and get off his lap, he groans sleepily and rubs his eyes.

You didn't know when pixie left because you concentrated on one of your realistic drawings.

It only had passed an hour at best, and now you are on high alert to hearing her voice around the Park.

"What happened?"

Brutus says groggily as he stands up, you cast a glance at him, and he knows that something is up.

"I can't see pixie, plus her scent is still fresh, so I'm guessing that she didn't wander off that far..."

You say to him, he sighs and stands up and then picks up the toys she brought as you look around the park for your cub.

You sigh as you walk toward Brutus to give him the news, you drop your ears down as your tail gets tucked in between your legs.

"Brutus, ... I'm pretty sure that she's not here"

You say as you look away from him, Brutus is no stranger to pixie wondering off every once and a while, and when he saw your sad expression he gave you a reassuring hug and kissed you.

"Don't worry, she can't have gone that far"

He gently spoke to you, then urged you to your bike as he gives you your helmet as he gets into his car.

"C'mon you round up the neighborhood and I'll check in her usual spots, okay love?"

Brutus says gently to you, you nod and start your sports bike as you wait for him to leave and once he does you drive away.


You raised a brow once your phone starts ringing, you click on a button on your helmet to answer as the music stops.


"I know where the kid is, here I'll send you the location"

Brutus says to you, you sigh with relief as you nod and turn around the bike to the location he sends.

"Okay, te veo horita" okay, I'll see you in a bit

You say as you round up in the corner of the neighborhood, your heart betting calmly now.


You tilt your head as you walk down the concrete path of a house, and you smile when you see pixie, she made grabby hands at you, and you pick her up from your mates' arms.

"Missed you pup, don't run off like that, okay?"

Pixie nods quickly, you notice that chocolate is smeared on her mouth, and sigh when you realize that she is in a sugar rush.

You look at the Orange tabby cat curiously, she just smiles nervously at Brutus as she profusely apologizes.

"It's fine, she got a knack for wandering' off"

Brutus says to the mother, you sigh and walk toward the back of the car as the sugar rush wears off.

You put her in the back seat and close the door and then walk toward Brutus, by now the mother's kid is asking multiple questions to Brutus.

"Hey, there little guy, mind giving me and your mother a moment to talk?"

You say to the boy, he nods with the understanding that both of you are going to answer his questions.

Brutus pats your shoulder and leaves, leaving you and the mother alone, you cast a glance at her and you snicker internally when she gave you a nervous smile, the fact that she is intimidated by you is hilarious since you are a sweetheart when people get to know you.

"Ma'am thank you for taking care of the kitten, she has wondered off while in the park"

You state calmly at her, she sighs when she realizes that you aren't mad at her and before she can say anything else her kid starts asking questions again.

"Also why do you have scars?!"

The boy says as you chuckle slightly.

"I worked in the military before, and that's why I got them"

"Cool!!! Mom can we host them for dinner like you always do?!"

"Now kid-"

"Sure, but we have to see if she wants to"

The mother says you tilt your head slightly at the questions, you stand up and write on a small piece of paper your number and gave it to her since you knew that pixie would want to meet with the kid again.

"I'm down for it but I have to see what my mate says, call me up if you have a day in mind"

You say as you then walk toward your bike, putting on your helmet and starting the bike.


Currently on what's going on in my brain:
Bored in a house, bored in a house bored

~A new beginning~ pixie and Brutus Where stories live. Discover now