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You let out a calming sigh as you woke up, you glance at the window next to the kennel, and seeing that it's still snowing you let out a small hum as you get up from the kennel.

You yawn and stretch, giving out a soft sigh as you do, you raised a brow when you don't see Brutus anywhere in the room, normally when Brutus wakes up first then you, he just lays down next to you being lulled to sleep by your calming breathing, you walk out of the room and go to the kitchen, being even more confused when you didn't see your beloved mate nor kitten.

Walking out of the kitchen, you go to the living room, managing to get Brutus' scent, you follow the scent up to the second floor and turn to the balcony, seeing Brutus calmly sleeping behind the balcony doors.

You sigh and step toward him, your musky forest scent seemed to alert him, since he opened his warm brown eyes, upon seeing you he gave a light-hearted smile as his eyes gleamed with kindness, and you return the smile as you lay down next to him, you bury your head oh the side of his neck and he gives out a satisfied sigh.

"Why weren't you in bed, handsome, something wrong?"

You murmur to him and blush slightly at the nickname, after all, it is true, even with the scars, but unlike Brutus that isn't shy to give you nicknames you, on the other hand, were.

Brutus smiled at the nickname, chuckling softly when you buried your head further in the crook of his neck, he knew that you were blushing by your tail and ears, slightly tucked in between your legs as your ears are tilted down, he spoke softly to you when he understood the question, smiling softly at your concerns.

"Nothings wrong, dear," Brutus says softly " I might have some good news, though"

You yawn as you look at him, your eyes filled with curiosity and warmth in the depths of your blue eyes.

Brutus takes this as a cue to tell you, sighing softly as he speaks.

"Well, our master has decided to travel with us and the kitten to Puerto Rico until spring comes"

You smile at him and rub your head under his chin, breathing in his calming aroma.

"When?" You say sleepily.

"In two weeks, that's why pixie and our master is out"

He spoke softly, so softly that you hear his voice like a lullaby, so calming that you were already half-asleep, your mate smiled and put his head on top of yours.

"Get some sleep, darling, okay?"

You yawned as you nodded your head at him as a response, already falling asleep without a problem as Brutus whispered sweet nothing to you until he managed to go to sleep as well.

The last thing you heard before you fell asleep was the one thing he meant with all of his heart.

"I love you, my dear, and nothing will stop that"


You lay down on the back of the truck next to Brutus as your master loaded a few things that you might need as you travel, pixie happily sleeping in tony's lap as he drives to the airport with a friend that will bring back the car to the house once you're up in the air.

Once you get to the airport, you hear the loud chatting and you look at pixie, seeing that she is in Brutus' back to calm her nerves before the flight.

Yawning you walk closely next to your master as he gets through the trouble of checking the tickets and other things that he may need on hand.

"Are you okay, pup?"

You say calmly to the kitten as your master led you to the line of entering the aircraft, you can see from here that pixie is trying to calm her breathing, so you tense slightly and alert your master all the while, Brutus tries to calm her.

"C'mer pixie, nervous about the flight?"

Tony says as he pets the peached color cat, she purrs and calms herself down with the help of her master.

"Oh, aren't you a cute one?"

Your attention is snapped at the flight attendant and she smiles and motions to your master to pet you, and he happily nods.

The flight attendant pets your head affectionately and so does the captain before entering the aircraft, you follow behind Brutus to the seats, laying down in front of your master's seat and brutus occupies the seat next to your master when you had no problem in staying on the floor, after all, you're pretty used to it since back when you worked, you always needed to be close to the handler.

The trouble of getting out of the house in the morning and comforting the kitten has taken a toll on you and not long before going into the air, you went to sleep, letting the quietness lull you to a deep slumber.


It's a bit short but I had a few things to do that will take a lot of my time in this week so I thought to just post it now, anyway I hope you loved the chapter and I'll see you in the next one my friends!

~A new beginning~ pixie and Brutus Where stories live. Discover now