20- I'd be careful

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Mila's POV

When I woke up at two in the morning from a nightmare, I knew it wasn't my dorm I was in. I sat up, and looked around to see Blaise sleeping on the floor, tossing and turning. Draco was on the other bed, curling up with his blanket. I stepped out of the bed, careful not to step onto Blaise. I snuck out of the room, and thought about going up to my dorm, but decided I had a better way to spend the night. Getting rid of Umbridge once and for all.

I left the common room, and snuck carefully and quietly to Umbridge's new office (since she was now the headmaster). I was going into this with no plans ahead of time, which normally would have terrified me, but I was too tired to care. I just knew I was done with her and so was the rest of the school.

Walking up the many stairs to her office, I felt like falling over and falling back asleep, but I kept my head up and forced my eyes to stay open as I forced my legs to walk up the stairs. I got to the door, and slowly opened the door. Thankfully, she wasn't in there. I closed the door behind me, and started searching her office for something I could use. Whether that was information I could use, or some kind of weapon similar to her quill that could get her to leave the school.

I went through every pink drawer and cubbord. The cat paintings were scaring me a bit, but I tried to ignore them.

The door started to creak open, and I quickly dove behind the first thing I saw.

"You are not allowed to use unforgivable curses just because you're the headmaster." An unfamiliar man's voice said.

"It was my only option! She was threatening other students, and I had to keep them safe and think fast. It was one girl against the whole school," She said. I wanted to jump out and tell the man the truth, but I stopped myself.

"If she were threatening students, then why didn't you just expell her instead?"

"Sir, you don't understand-"

"I understand a lot more than you realize, Dolores."

"Miss Lockhart is an extreme danger to this school. She should be sentenced to death."

I had to stop myself from gasping at the words. I didn't believe a word Umbridge said, but it still hurt. There was a part deep down that wondered if maybe I did deserve death. If it weren't for me, George, Blaise, Draco and Fred wouldn't have gotten hurt. They had done way too much for me, and at one point they would all die for me and it would be my fault.

"She's a young witch," The man sighed. He wasn't believing a word of what Umbridge said based on his tone. "I don't care what excuses you are coming up with Dolores, nothing allows you to use an unforgivable. Especially on a student! I'm afraid you will be losing your job in the ministery and I can't promise you you'll continue to stay at Hogwarts. I will have to talk with the ministery."

Without another word, I heard the door open and slam shut. Meaning the man had left. The table I was hiding under shook as Umbridge pounded her fist on the desk. "That little rat is going to pay," She whispered in the most terrifying tone I had heard come out of her.

Umbridge stepped away from her desk, and the door opened and closed once again. After making sure the coast was clear, I left as well, heading back to my dorm. All I could do was hope that the ministry would kick her out of the school and leave her on the streets. I was too tired to do anything else, and I didn't feel like risking anything again.

I was restless the rest of the night, unable to sleep after her words repeated in my head.

Maybe I'm better off dead.

I refused to go to breakfast the next morning, and instead ate some food I found in my trunk. I just knew the boys were looking for me, but I didn't really want to be found. Eventually though, I had classes, and left my dorm, heading to transfiguration.

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