6- I have to go

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Mila's POV

For some reason I felt bad about forgetting about the Astronomy tower meet up. Who knows why. But when he invited me to do it again, I wasn't going to miss it that time. Once again, I had to put in effort if we were going to become 'friends' and then I could ditch him.

"We're in the lead for the house cup," Pansy said, her eyes bright and cheerful.

"Eh," Draco complained. "Dumbledore is just going to give Gryffindor another 50 points last minute for something stupid last minute." He moaned as he played with his rings, taking them off and then putting them back on repeatedly. "I wouldn't be surprised if he says '50 points to Gryffindor because Harry Pottah made his bed'. It's ridiculous."

"Honestly," Pansy agreed.

"I have to go" I excused myself. They all stared at me.

"Where?" Blaise asked.

"Um... Fred asked me to meet him in the astronomy tower tonight." I said. It's fine if they knew, they knew it was all for a prank.

"The astronomy tower?" Draco asked.

"In the evening?" Pansy added.


"Mila, couples go to the astronomy tower this time of night to stargaze and cuddle." Blaise said, and Draco looked like he was about to burst from laughter.

"Fred and I will not be stargazing and cuddling. We're just going there to talk." I explained. Draco didn't look convinced, until Pansy elbowed him in the side and glared at him.

"Well good luck," Pansy said with a smile, and I left.

Fred's POV

I waited in the astronomy tower, noticing a couple making out in the corner. It made me uncomfortable, but I tried to act natural. Soon, Mila came up the stairs, and I called her over. There was a moment I thought she wouldn't come.

"Hey, Mila." I said. She smiled at me, and we sat down on the ground. "How has your day been?"

"Not great." She sighed. My smile dropped hearing that.

"Why's that?" I asked her.

"Draco, Pansy and Blaise all were talking behind my back this morning before breakfast and I overheard them." She mumbled. I had to get close to hear her well. She didn't seem bothered when I moved closer.

"What things did they say?"

"They said things about my parents. And how I have attitude problems." She said.

"That's not nice. But you seemed fine with them at breakfast,"

"How do you know that?" She asked, looking me in the eyes.

"Oh... um..."

"You were staring at me again, weren't you?" She said, a small smile playing on her lips.

"How do you know that?" I asked, repeating her question. She let out a little laugh. It was the first time she'd laughed because of me.

"Maybe I glance at you every now and then," she said, and turned her head back to look in front of her. "The truth is, I was kinda upset at breakfast. Blaise was being nice, but the whole meal Pansy and Draco just ignored me."

"That's awful, Mila."

Every time I said her name, the butterflies got more intense. Her name had a way of just flowing out of the mouth.

"Yeah." She sighed. I hesitated, but eventually I gained the courage to place my hand on her thigh. I thought she would hit me to get my hand off of her, but she just allowed it. "Are we friends?" she suddenly asked.

"Yeah, of course we are." I replied.


We sat silently for a while, until she started to get tired. My hand was still on her thigh when she placed her head on my shoulder and I watched her eyes close.

"Are you tired?" I said, calmly.

"mhm." she said, keeping her eyes closed.

"want to go back to the common room?"


"I'll walk you there, come on." I said. I moved myself and she lifted her head from my shoulder. I stood up, and offered my hand. I helped her up, and walked her back to the common room. "Goodnight," I said. She smiled at me, and went into the common room.

Mila's POV

"You're back late." Blaise laughed.

"I'm tired, let me go to bed for the love of all things holy," I hissed.

"Whoa there," He said, still laughing.

"I'm going to kill you if you don't let me go up to bed."

"How'd it go?"

"Fine." I lied. Realistically, it was just what I needed. Fred and I didn't even talk all that much, but feeling like I could just say what I wanted and then just sit there with someone was just the thing I needed.

No. Stupid thoughts. I hate him. I hated it.

"Sure. I'll let you go to bed so you don't murder me, but I'd like to hear about it tomorrow." He said. "Night."

"Goodnight, Blaise." I said, and ran up the stairs, going into my dorm room quietly so I didn't wake anyone.

Fred's POV

"You're back late," Geore laughed.

"Oh, quiet." I said, laughing back. I yawned and rubbed my eyes. "I'm tired."

"How'd it go?"

"Fine." I lied. Realistically, it was one of the best nights of my life. I really liked Mila.

"Tell me all about it tomorrow," he said. "Night."

"Goodnight, George." I said. I fell onto my bed, and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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