15- One more hug?

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Mila's POV

I got slightly emotional watching the first years get sorted. I remembered sitting down on the stool waiting for the sorting hat to put me where I belonged. Now it was the last sorting ceremony I would be able to witness. I was sitting next to Draco, and he must have noticed I was getting emotional, because he wrapped his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder gently. I looked across the table to Pansy who was glaring at me. I tried to ignore it, but even when I looked in the other direction, I felt her eyes staring into me.

The ceremony ended, and we started the feast. "Where's Blaise?" Pansy asked, not taking her intimidating eyes off of me.

"He didn't make it to the platform in time," Draco answered so I didn't have to. I looked up to him with a soft smile, but he didn't notice it. He continued to eat, so I did the same. Pansy was still glaring at me, but I decided to stop caring. "Pansy, you should go eat with your new friends." Draco hissed.

"You two are my friends too," She hissed back.

"In the nicest way possible, no we aren't."

I was taken aback by Draco's confidence in the moment. He didn't even look up to her as he said it. Pansy huffed, and took her plate, making sure to stare daggers at me as she stormed off to the other side of the table.

"Thank goodness, she finally left me alone." Draco said, chuckling a bit. I couldn't help but laugh also. "Would you like some punch?" He asked me, and I nodded. I handed him my cup, and he filled it for me. "Wonder when Blaise will get here."

"Yeah. I'm hoping he gets here tonight," I sighed.

"I think he probably will. I think he could make it anytime now." Draco said. "If they've left already, that is."

Just as Draco spoke, the giant doors to the great hall opened, and everyone's eyes went over to the movement and creaking of the doors. A lady in bright pink clothes head-to-toe, took very small steps up to the front where Dumbeldore was. Everyone stared at her as she made her way through the hall. The doors didn't close, however. Because following behind her was Blaise who looked exausted, and was covered in bruises.

In that moment, I didn't care if all the attention went onto me. I stood up immediately and ran to the door and jumped into Blaise's arms. "Blaise!" I exclaimed. I listened to him laugh as he hugged me back. I felt hundreds of eyes on me, but I didn't even care. "What on earth happened to you? You're all brusied!" I cried. He looked down at his knuckles that were practically purple. He was limping slightly, and his one eye was slightly purple.

"Ran into the platform after it closed. Took quite the hit." He said, chuckling a bit at the thought of it.

I looked around the room to see everyone staring at me. I looked over to Fred who looked like he was laughing. I shot him a look that said 'don't make fun of me' and looked back at Blaise. I took Blaise's hand, and pulled him over to the Slytherin table. I pulled out my wand, and I cast a few spells to heal his bruises.

"Nice to see you, Blaise." Draco said as we sat down.

"You too,"

Blaise and Draco used to not always get along, but here they were, smiling at each other. Crazy how things can change.

Blaise explained why he didn't make it to the train, and Draco and I couldn't help but laugh at the fact that Blaise didn't wake up in time for the most exciting day of the year.

At the end of the feast, Dumbledore stood up and got everyone's attention.

"Students, please welcome Dolores Umbridge to the school. She is from the ministry, and will be taking the place of Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

The whole hall cheered. I was a little hesitant though. I never trusted people who wore all pink.

She stepped up to the stand, somewhat shoving Dumbledore out of the way.

"Students, we will be making some changes this year. I hope you all understand how important it is that we create a better learning enviornment for you young wizards and witches. I can sense that we will all become great friends as I teach each of you."

There was silence for a moment, until Dumbledore gestured for us all to clap.

At the end of the night, I was finally back in the Slytherin common room. Everyone had gone up to bed, except for Draco, Blaise and I. "I don't trust that pink professor." I told them.

"Me neither," Blaise agreed.

"I don't think anyone in there did. I mean, she's a defence against the dark arts professor. Every one of them has been a little out of their mind." Draco said. Blaise and I nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll see you two in the morning," I said before heading up to bed. Blaise grabbed me gently by the wrist, and I looked at him confused as he didn't say anything for a moment.

"One more hug?" He asked, and I smiled, jumping into his arms. After a moment, I felt Draco join the hug. The only thing that could have made it better would be Fred, but since he was a Gryffindor, students didn't get to see the other houses a whole lot on the first day.

"Goodnight you two," I grinned. They both waved to me, and I went up the stairs to my dorm, as they went up the other stairs to theirs.

Fred's POV

When the doors opened in the great hall and the professor in pink and Blaise entered, I immediately knew that Mila was going to be excited. Sure enough, she couldn't contain herself, and ran over to Blaise, throwing herself into his arms.

I knew she didn't like him like that. She liked me, in fact, she was my girlfriend. But the fact that she had a guy best friend sometimes make my heart wonder if she might deep down like him maybe even just a little bit. I tried not to ever think about it too much, because I knew that the two of them were just good friends, and it made me happy seeing Mila get so excited about Blaise. I had to remind myself that she would have done the same thing for me if I was the one who missed the train.

Even though part of me was a little hesitant about Blaise, him and I had become decent friends. During the summer we sent a few letters to each other to just talk about what Mila had told us, and we'd also just told each other some other things too. We figured that if we both were always around Mila that we should become better friends with each other as well, so that's what we did.

I laughed a bit when Mila investigated Blaise's bruises. When she looked over at me, she glared at me, but it wasn't intimidating. She used to intimidate me a bit, but that was before she became the soft person she was. Back when Mila was someone not to be messed with.

The rest of the night I talked with George and Alicia. For once I didn't feel like I was being discluded between the two of them. Alicia kept asking me questions about Mila, and I answered each of them without hesitation.

When the lady in pink was introduced, George and I both felt like something was off. We both weren't sure what. If only we had known what was going to become of her being here.

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