I walk up the path and i saw Vandham near the gate, So Vandham you were here at the gate i said. That right and there something i want to asked and Roc... He know something off with you so you an blade are you? asked Vandham.

How did you...? i asked, well there is no one strong enough to break through a barrier and who is your Driver? asked Vandham. Well you keep this secret from eveyone? i asked, I won't tell anyone said Vandham, same here said Roc.

Alright... I'm don't have a Driver anymore i said, what?! said Vandham, you see my Driver was my brother from 500 year and my brother was attack by Indolone soldiers, but he gave his life to me so that i live on for him i said as i move my scarf up so both of them see my core crystal.

Wait, you a flesh eater, so that why said Vandham, that right and now you know i said. So how long till you tell your friend? asked Vandham, i really don't know but i hope they can trust me more i said as i heard the other coming.

There you are y/n called Rex as i turn to see walking to us, you sure know how to keep a guy waiting, rookies said Roc. Very sorry for wait! said Poppi, is fault of Vandham for ruching off ahead... said Tora.

Hahahah! Sorry 'bout that, i guess you've already seen him when we fought earlier, but let's introduce ourselves properly, shall We? asked Vandham. I'm Roc, Vandham's Blade, pleasure to meet you all said Roc.

The pleasure's all ours! said Rex, I noticed you used an unusual style of weapon? asked Pyra. Yeah, they're called Dual Scythes. Even around here, I never met anyone but Vandham who can use them said Roc.

Wow, big man very amazing! said Tora as Vandham laughing, don't flatter him too much, he'll let it go to his head said Roc. Vandham only have one Blade then? asked Poppi, yeah pretty much said Vandham.

I know most Drivers have a few, so they can change up their strategies in battle, but me, Roc's all I've ever needed! said Vandham. Big man really is amazing... said Tora as Vandham laughing again.

Sounds to me like you just can't be bothered to think up more than one strategy, eh, old man? asked Nia. Gahahah! Well, now that we all know each other, let's get down to business said Vandham.

He just dodged the question... whispering Dromarch, an expert dodge, to be sure... whispering Gramps. We just got a job to go check out some kinda crazy energy effect, somewhere up around the blowhole said Vandham.

Whaddya say? Fancy bein' a mercenary for a day? asked Vandham, Um, OK? But, I mean, we don't work for free... said Rex. Don't worry, kid, you'll get paid said Vandham as we follow him up the hill.


We walk for a while until we got stop by some wind that block our path, An ether miasma, take it this is your first one said Vandham. Ether miasma? asked Rex, It's a load of poisonous waste products spewed from the Titan's guts said Vandham.

Y'know when you get gassy? Kinda like that said Vandham, Erm, is there a way through this thing? I can't see any way round it said Nia. Hey, no fear, Roc, mate! You're up! said Vandham as Roc as he using his wind and the Miasma's gone.

Miasma's died down! said Rex, Heheheh! Yup, nothing to it, let's roll! said Vandham as we back what we were doing. We took out more enemies on the way and we stop at an place, Vandham saw An ardun ahead of us.

An Ardun... Just what we need,Rex, any good with that anchor? asked Vandham. Yeah, i get by said Rex, hand that here said Vandham as Rex pass his anchor. Now watch said Vandham as he use the anchor shot around the back leg and cause it fall over.

Awesome! I never thought of using it that way! said Rex as i was shocked to see that, the trick is to pull it taut at just the right moment, now you try! said Vandham as he pass back the anchor shot to Rex again.

We start fighting the Ardun and we beat it, you got it after seeing it once not bad, kid said Vandham as Rex laughed. Listen up, kid, drivers use Arts, but that doesn't just mean using the powers your Blade gives you said Vandham.

There are Arts that use your own strength, or take advantage of your enemy's, there are all sorts. A Driver's job is to be smart with his Arts, and protect his Blade said Vandham. Protect my Blade? asked Rex.

Yeah, it's a two-way thing, kid, you gotta be aware of the power comin' out of her. Don't waste it, channal it through your Arts, and protect her, If you can do that, then you're a true Driver, kid said Vandham.

'A true Driver'? I don't know... Am I ready? asked Rex, 'Course you are, that thing from before? Took me five years to learn that said Vandham. Five years?! said Rex, yeah, but you saw it once, then you aced it like it was nothin' said Vandham.

And, you got Nia and Tora in tow, those goys are pretty handy, also with y/n help. You all work well together, kid, you a bright future said Vandham, I think I'm gonna spew said Nia, Biggipon has scary face, but he very nice! said Tora.

Bwahahahaha! Sussed me out, furrypon! said Vandham as we head for the next place.

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