Chapter 7

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"Hey- I still haven't accepted your confession. No kissing."

Scaramouche stuck his tongue out to Kazuha as he slowly finished the donut he was eating.

"Who said that you had to accept my confession in order for me to kiss you?" Kazuha responds playfully.

He takes a moment to see Scaramouche’s reaction as he continues speaking.

"I mean, you said it yourself right? Trying to fall in love with me... It’s worth a shot, right?" Kazuha whispers, as if he was trying to convince Scaramouche with that last question.

"I don't.. I don't want to.. That's too much." Scaramouche whispered as he fiddled with his fingers, seemingly nervous.

Kazuha can feel his heart sinking at Scaramouche's nervous reply. A moment of silence follows before he speaks up again.

"Are you... rejecting my confession, then?" Kazuha whispers, his voice barely above a whisper if at all.

He then lets go of the donut he was holding so that he could slowly turn to face Scaramouche as their eyes meet once again.

"...because if you're going to reject me, you might as well do it now and be clear about it. Don't lead me on."

"No.. no, I'm not.. rejecting you. I'm just not comfortable with kissing.. yet.." Scaramouche looked slightly down as he felt even more nervous.

Kazuha sighs in relief at learning that he hasn’t been rejected, and he nods softly. “I understand.”

"May I hold your hand, then?" Kazuha asks softly.

Kazuha reaches a hand towards Scaramouche with the intention of holding his hand tightly, just like he did at the donut shop.

Scaramouche looks at Kazuha with a confused expression as he slowly nodded and held his hand out for Kazuha to reach.

"That much is at least something we always do.."

Kazuha nods softly at Scaramouche's explanation, and soon, their fingers interlace. This simple act of affection makes Kazuha's heart flutter. He gently squeezes Scaramouche's hand.

"Do you... do you like me being so affectionately towards you? Do you mind the cuddles? Or... I don't know, I don't want to make you uncomfortable." Kazuha mumbles quietly, with a hint of apology.

"I don't mind.. you can continue the things we used to do.. before you confessed, just no kissing, please." Scaramouche whispered as he slowly relaxed when he felt Kazuha's hand intertwined with his.

Kazuha sees Scaramouche slowly relaxing, and his expression softens. He smiles softly at him and rests his head against Scaramouche's shoulder.

He speaks softly but cheerfully.

"I won't force you to do anything you're uncomfortable with. You know that, don't you, my love?" he whispers with hope.

"Mhm.." Scaramouche mumbles out as he relaxed even more when Kazuha rested his head on his shoulder. He seemed to be relieved that Kazuha wouldn't use force.

Kazuha hums softly as he gently buries his face against Scaramouche's shoulder. He wraps his arm around him and whispers playfully at his ear.

"Don't be worried, sweetheart. I'll be waiting for you to get comfortable and fall in love with me. I mean, it will eventually happen if I keep trying hard enough."

Kazuha's voice becomes a whisper, as if he was reassuring him.

"I'm not that hard to fall in love with, am I?"

".. Half of the school wants to be with you, Kazuha. Your face is enough to make them swoon."

Scaramouche whispered as he picked up another donut and began eating once more. Kazuha chuckles softly at the playful remark.

"But you're the one I'm smitten with, aren't you? You might not feel the same way, yet, but you will someday."

He pauses before speaking up again.

"If half of the school wants me, then why do you think I've chosen you?" He smiles warmly at him, trying to cheer him up.

Scaramouche seemed to pause but nevertheless kept on eating his donut after a few seconds of silence.

"I don't know.." Scaramouche whispered.

Kazuha's cheeks go pink at the cute response.

"You don't know, or you don't want to say? But it's okay if you don't want to answer that question, my love."

"Either way, I still know why I've chosen you." He slowly runs a finger over Scaramouche's cheek. He leans in closer as he speaks softly.

"Do you really want to know why I've chosen you?" Kazuha whispers.

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