Chapter 1

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Kazuha sat next to Scaramouche in the lecture hall with his arms embracing his waist. "Can you sleep in my room after this? With me." He murmurs sleepily.

Scaramouche looked at Kazuha unfazed; almost blankly but it was somehow adorable. He seemed to stare at Kazuha's hair for some time before slowly playing with it.

"You didn't really need to ask.. we practically sleep together almost everyday, Kazuha."

Kazuha's gaze softened as he felt Scaramouche's fingers in his hair. Despite the fact that both of them are friends, he still can't help but feel a tinge of heat coursing down his neck.

He looks at Scaramouche, his face flushed as he gazes into those pretty eyes. With a faint smile, he leans towards him.

"We should sleep together more often," he whispers. That sentence seems to have carried another meaning.


Scaramouche whispered, seemingly excited at the suggestion as he looked into Kazuha's eyes with expectation and excitement visible in his eyes.

A smirk spreads across Kazuha's lips as he hears Scaramouche's question.

"I was thinking of something more than just cuddles..." He then leans closer to his face so that their lips are inches apart. His eyes are locked with his, waiting for an answer.

Scaramouche seemed to be rather caught off guard by Kazuha's sudden closeness. He was confused by the sudden change of behavior and reacted quite confused. Maybe a bit uncomfortable as well.

"I don't .. I don't know what you mean by that.."

Scaramouche whispered as he was completely oblivious to Kazuha's intentions. He pulled away ever so slightly, seemingly uncomfortable of the closeness between them.

Kazuha's smirk quickly disappears as he realizes Scaramouche's discomfort. Kazuha pulls back, too, then lowers his head.

"Um... well... forget about what I said..." he mumbles.

The two of them went silent for a minute. However, Kazuha still couldn't help but to look at Scaramouche's face, his feelings for him running rampant within him. He wants to lean closer and play with Scaramouche's hair this time.

In fact, he wants to do more than just touch.

"..Mhm.." Scaramouche mumbles out, seemingly still a bit uncomfortable by what Kazuha had attempted to do earlier.

Scaramouche then continued to stay silent after that. The atmosphere was a bit awkward with none of them speaking to each other, whilst Scaramouche continued to take notes of the lesson being discussed.

Kazuha gazes back at the professor, pretending to listen to their lecture while his mind is distracted. He can't help but to feel some sort of... disappointment, mixed with embarrassment.

He can't help but to look back at Scaramouche. How come they never took things further than just being friends... when they are so close, when they do things that friends normally wouldn't do...?

After a while, he lets out a sigh, then pulls his gaze back towards the professor.

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