Chapter 3

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After a few steps, Kazuha takes Scaramouche’s hand and leads him to the donut stall, making sure to wait in line at their place.

As they wait, he looks at Scaramouche with an adorable expectant look. It's his favorite sweet, too, so he’ll be the one doing the ordering for both of them.

"Why is the line so long.."

Scaramouche grumbles out as he unconsciously squeezes Kazuha's hand out of irritation. He looked even more upset as the line was too long, and they were the last ones in the line too.

Kazuha notices how Scaramouche squeezed his hand without even meaning to do so. He finds that small gesture of affection adorable in its own way. Even as they wait, he feels Scaramouche's soft hand intertwined with his own.

After a while, they finally reach the stall and Kazuha turns to look at Scaramouche. "What kind of donuts do you want?" he asks with anticipation.

"Sleep on the couch if you don't know my favorite." Scaramouche looked at Kazuha blankly, almost as if he was threatening Kazuha if he failed to order his favorite donut.

Kazuha chuckles as he smiles. He knows that tone of Scaramouche's all too well. The adorable look on his face, his adorable pout, and the "empty" threat that he's giving... it's all too adorably distracting.

He nods at him and orders chocolate glazed donuts on both of their behalf. He then gives the box to Scaramouche as he looks at Scaramouche again with playful intent.

"What if they were out of chocolate glazed donuts?" he whispers to tease him.

"The best I could do is give you a pillow and blanket to sleep outside." Scaramouche said in a monotone as he took a bite of his donut, seemingly blankly staring at Kazuha.

Kazuha chuckles at the thought. Despite Scaramouche only joking about that, he would probably feel too bad to actually let him fall asleep outside. He watches Scaramouche eat his donut and smiles at how cute he looks when he’s focused on consuming his favorite sweet.

"You're lucky that I'm willing to spoil you," he says teasingly.

Scaramouche stuck his tongue out to Kazuha, before he finished the donut in hand. Almost too quickly as Kazuha had just ordered them a few minutes ago.

Kazuha’s eyebrows raised up when he saw Scaramouche stick his tongue out. That was unexpected, but at the same time, it made him chuckle. How can someone be this adorable...

“That was fast…” he says with teasing in his tone as he waits for Scaramouche to take the box of donuts from his hands so they can leave.

“Can we eat these in my dorm, at least?” he asks.


Scaramouche protested against the idea by giving a pout, again. He took one more donut and began eating once more— with still a few chocolate crumbs on the side of his lips.

Kazuha frowns as Scaramouche shows a clear sign of protest against his idea. He just wanted to spend more time with him alone... in a more intimate setting. But his request was denied so carelessly...

"Please, darling," he mumbles. "Let's eat it in my dorm, together." He looks at him with an expectant look. The way Scaramouche is eating his donuts with chocolate crumbs surrounding his lips... it's killing him.

He wants him.

"Buy one more box and I'll reconsider." Scaramouche muttered, his mouth visibly full as he pointed at the donut stall.

Kazuha sighs lightly as his hopes of alone time seem to be crushed again. But... if getting Scaramouche to go to his dorm means spending even more money on donuts for both of them, it would be worth it. He even finds Scaramouche's request kind of sweet and adorable in its own way.

He nods back to Scaramouche before returning to the donut stall and ordering another box of chocolate glazed donuts.

"Anything else for you, darling?" Kazuha mutters gently.

"That's all, thank you sweetheart."

Scaramouche whispered in response to Kazuha calling him "darling". He didn't really mean anything by it and just thought it was funny if he were to respond to Kazuha's nicknames.

Scaramouche giggled as he took the two boxes and handed him towards Kazuha. "Take it. Don't drop it or I'll lock you out of our dorm."

Kazuha chuckles softly at the nickname that Scaramouche returned to him. But he’s glad that he gets to be called that. Then, he receives the boxes of donuts and turns around to hold Scaramouche’s hand.

“You’re so lucky that I’m still willing to spoil you. Don’t push your luck too hard,” he teases.

"You better continue spoiling me or you'll be sleeping on the couch."

Scaramouche stuck his tongue out once again as he threatened Kazuha.. again. Though, he seemed even more playful this time.

A threat is still a threat, despite Scaramouche making it sound more playful. It’s still a little intimidating to Kazuha, but he shrugs it off.

Kazuha smiles down at Scaramouche as he began leading him back to his dorm. After a while, they’re finally approaching. But there’s one more thing he has to do.

“Just so you know, you’re adorable when you pout like that.” Kazuha whispers with a smirk.

"I know I am. Precisely why you can't refuse me."

Scaramouche winked at Kazuha as he swiftly took the boxes of donuts out of Kazuha's grasp and went on ahead— leaving Kazuha outside his own dorm.

Kazuha chuckles as he watches Scaramouche take the boxes of donuts from his hands. What a spoiled brat, even though he still adores him.

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