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I banged on the door for what seemed like a minute. I heard grumbling from behind the door.

          When it swung open, Hades glared at me. She was in a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. Not sad girl clothing, but not her fancy clothes either.

          "What do you want?" She gritted out.

          I smiled. Mother said you've been hiding from everyone and that I should check on you."

          She tilted her head. She narrowed her eyes at me. "When have you ever listened to Mother?"

          I shrugged. I peered inside her apartment. She had a suitcase on the couch. "You going somewhere?"

          She turned to look at the suitcase on the couch and cursed. "America. With me not being responsible for a company anymore, I have some time to spare."

          I hummed and pushed through her, walking into her house and ignoring her grumbles.

          "Tell me the truth. Why have you been sulking around your apartment, and why are you packing to go somewhere? America, to be specific."

          Hades ran her hands over her face. "Persephone is moving to America... to get married."

          My smile dropped faster than I could ever imagine. Hades put her hands in her pockets, looking down at the ground, ashamed.

          "Were you invited to the wedding?" Hades ignored the question.

          I hurt for her. I know how she feels about Persephone. I know she's dying inside—no wonder she's been hiding from everyone.

          "I can't let her marry him," she said sadly.

          My brows shot up. "Him?"

          "Adonis Plackurd." Her nose flared when she said his name.

          I giggled. "The fucking nepo baby, who scams people into believing he's some kind of environmental king? That dick? Oh, Persephone... I feel bad for her."

          Hades walked over to the suitcase, tapping her fingers on it. "I'm going to stop the marriage."

          I blew out a harsh breath. "Seems toxic. You really want to be that ex at the wedding." Not that I'm opposing. Honestly, I hope she does. Save Persephone from that asshole.

          "I'm hoping I can stop it before the wedding, so I'm leaving for America tomorrow. You gonna stop me?"

          I shook my head. "Nope. I do wish you the best, though. Call me if you need help. I'm sure Hera and I can do really well breaking up a wedding."

          "I just hope she still has a little love left for me. I wasn't the best person I could have been in our relationship."

          That's the most she's ever told me about her and Persephone's breakup.

          "She does. I saw how she looked at you at the rehearsal dinner."

          Hades scoffed. "Is that why she skipped Posiedon's wedding? Because she was scared of what she was feeling for me?"

          "I can't answer that, but I know she feels at least something for you, and you would be a fool not to go and get your girl back."

          "I hope you're right." Hades turned back to me. "Because I haven't been the same since I lost her.

          Boy, did I know the feeling

          "Good luck, big sis. I wish you the best of luck." 

A/N: And it's done! Thank you all for those who stuck with the story. I hope you all enjoyed it and move to read my future works. A Hades and Persephone story is in the works for the future, so be on the lookout! Thank you all again! This is my first Wattpad story, and those of you who read it and commented made me feel really special. Go and check out my other works. I currently have a lesbian werewolf harem story and a secret relationship story posted. I hope you all follow my journey on Wattpad! Thank you all again for reading!

Just For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora