Chapter 12: Zeus

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How many billionaires can get away with murder? That's what I've been asking myself since I found out two weeks ago that Hera is now working for Achilles. Working as the fucking COO!

          Achilles is plotting. I know it. I just have no way of proving it. However, I might not get the chance because I will fucking murder her!

          That smug look on her face when I showed up at Hera's house. The slick and snarky reamkrs. All of just bullet points on my list as to why I feel like she should die.

           Being the CEO of a publishing house isn't that threatening. Being a billionaire, on the other hand, is. Achilles will get what's coming to her.

          I increased the speed on the treadmill. I hate running on these things. Running outside feels more fulfilling. Treadmills also hurt my feet, but the pain detracts me from the thoughts I know will send me to prison.

          I wish I could say I've started to spend more time at the penthouse, but I still haven't even managed to walk through the door without feeling like a part of me is dying, which is why I'm back at the public gym. Yay.

          I have never liked Achilles. Never. All of her plans and ideas had secret motives. She's so secretive about things it pisses me off.

          It's known that wealthy people are liars, cheats, and conniving, but she is something else. I used to tell myself she wasn't the monster I made her out to be, but she always proved that wrong.

           It's been almost a month. A month and nothing seems to be getting better. Hera hasn't responded to any of my calls and texts. I wanted to chance it and pop up, but something told me that wasn't the best idea. Especially now that she thinks I'm hooking up with Aphrodite. Which I'm not!

          I ran harder, sweat beading down my face, neck, and torso. I need to figure out how to win Hera back before I lose her forever.

          I started looking around the gym, trying to distraught myself from the fact that I was running, and that's when I saw a slither of blonde coming my way. The same blonde hair that kind of got me in this mess.

          If Hera had not seen that picture, there could have been a possibility of progression for us. But no, Achilles fucked that up for me. Well, kind of. I am at fault partially.

          Aphrodite walked over to me, a bright smile on her face. In the back of my head, I knew I should have ignored her and kept going with my workout, but I stopped the treadmill and placed my feet on the side, giving her my attention. You know. Like a dumbass would.

           I was partly out of breath, "Aphrodite. What can I do for you?"

          "I saw the photo that got out. I'm sorry if it harmed anything you had going on for you and Hera," she said, her smile falling.

            It's not her fault, I know that, but it still pisses me off that people know about my marriage drama. People love to instigate.

          I throw my hand out. "Don't worry about it. It doesn't really matter, honestly. My shit show of a life is already not great." I step down from the treadmill, now standing over Aphrodite.

          She looked up at me. "I would like to make it up to you. How do you feel about dinner? Tonight? On me."

          I blew out a breath. It's been a long time since I've had an actual dinner. I've been surviving on fast food and snacks throughout the day. It's not fun eating alone. Even though Hera and I were going through it, we still ate dinner together.

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