Chapter 18: Zeus

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How is someone supposed to eat lunch with their mother after a night of fucking their wife, who is on the verge of divorcing you? I need the answer because I've been on edge since she practically kicked me out of her house today.

          After we lay there cuddling, she rushed to the bathroom, saying she wanted me out of her house by the time she got out.

          The shift of emotions is wild. I told her I loved her, and she said it back. I thought that was progress. It's been so long since I've heard those words from her lips. And I heard them. She said them low enough that she didn't want me to, so I didn't acknowledge it. I didn't want to spook her. I honestly thought I had crossed the line when I said it to her.

          The sound of a fork hitting a plate pulled my attention away from Hera. When I looked up from my plate, I sank into my seat when I saw Mother glaring at me.

          I peered over at Hades, who was sipping from her wine. She set her glass down. "How did Posiedon manage to skip out on mandatory lunch?"

          Mother was still looking at me. "He's at home being a fiancee. I didn't want to interrupt anything."

          I scoffed. "I feel like he should only get to skip when he is a husband. The fiancee title doesn't really work like that."

          There she goes, throwing out slick comments. She loves me, yes, but she still manages to get under my skin with the weirdest shit. I shouldn't let it, but I'm only human.

          Mother looked at Hades, who was really focused on the table, before she looked back at me. "Speaking of marriages and whatnot, how are things with Hera? Are they getting better?"

          I wish I had a glass of wine or anything stronger than the glass of water I have next to me, but I need a clear mind today. I traced my fingers on the condensation on my glass. I can't really tell Mother I spent the night fucking her into her bed.

          Can't tell her I also fucked her in her office as well. Im not sure if my marriage is getting better, but I know the sex is. The fire I see in her eyes when she looks at me is intense.

          Last night when she said she loved me back, I thought we were getting better, but her kicking me out changed that. I don't know what she wants, but I'm patient enough to wait. I just wish I had a few clear answers.

          I feel like no answer is better than telling Mother what's actually going on right now.

          "I'd rather not talk about it. Things are going right now. That's all that matters." I say, taking a sip from my water.

          Mother pulled her attention away from me and to Hades.

          "Hades, how are things going with Persephone? I thought I saw something at Posiedons rehearsal dinner." Mother smiled. She and Poseidon love drama.

          Hades shook her head. "Absolutely not. We aren't talking about my dating life."

          Mother scoffed. That is not very ladylike of her. "Three kids, and only one of them ever shares their life with me."

          I laughed. Hades just rolled her eyes.

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"Here's my new place."

          Mother walked through the front door. She wouldn't let Hades, Poseidon, or me show up for the longest—something about renovating and not wanting to spoil the surprise of beauty.

Just For YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora