Chapter 15: Hera

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I fiddled with the bracelet Zeus left after she... ate me out on my office desk.

          It happened two days ago, and I still feel flustered whenever I think about it. I spent the entire workday hiding in my office, afraid for anyone to see my face. I got absolutely no work done. I just stared at the box she left on my desk. I didn't put it on until this morning when I got ready to see Hestia at the coffee shop.

          That leads me to now, where my sister looks at me like I might be having a stroke. She held her bottle of water between her hands, looking over my face with a concerned and confused look.

          She cleared her throat. "What's uh, what's going on, babe?"

          I threw my head in my hands, groaning quietly to avoid disturbing the coffee shop. I really wish we could do her little craving thing at the house.

          We could have created this smell in a kitchen with a coffee maker. Pregnant women are weird.

          "I know why my marriage with Zeus is going downhill, and I'm exploiting another person to make Zeus jealous and be more domineering. I thought it wasn't working until two days ago when she yelled at my boss to get out of my office, where she then ate me out and turned me into a pile of goo on my desk." I blurted out quickly before I could think better of it.

          When I moved my hands from my face and looked back at Hestia, her look of confusion and concern went nowhere. Great.

          When I noticed she was going to say anything, I continued. "I really liked it, even though I was embarrassed as shit to leave my office. I got... really loud." I looked at her to see if she had anything to say now.

          She was gripping her water bottle really tight. "That's um. That's a lot to take in."

          I closed my eyes, thinking. "It had been so long since she touched me that I really needed her. I craved her. So I urged her more or less to fuck me by insisting I may want to sleep with my boss. She didn't like that. I had to practically yank her hair out to get her mouth off of me when I came-"

          Hestia held up her hand, laughing. "Okay, that's enough. I uh, don't need to know all the details about how my sister got off."

           I frowned at her. "I didn't say anything when you kept telling me you and Alexander were trying for a baby. Trying hard, almost every day, you said. I really didn't need to know my sister was being turned into a stuffed donut, yet you told me anyway. So, suck it up." I argued.

          She just continued to laugh. "Fair point. I never really thought about how that could sound to others." she hummed.

          "Alright, alright. Tell me more about the Zeus situation." she waited patiently for me to talk.

          "It started with her not being honest with me. I wanted her to be open, and I got tired of asking, so I grew bitter. Then things really started to change with us. She stopped craving me like she used to. Yes, sex was good; I had no objections, but it didn't feel the same. I got scared. She just didn't desire me like she used to." I say pitifully.

          "You two have a very strange love," Hestia said before siping her water. I am waiting for her to clarify. "Ever since you two have known each other, nothing has ever been simple for you two. I mean, you two have known each other for-fucking-ever, and you didn't start dating until you were twenty-six."

           I don't understand why it took us so long to realize we wanted to be together. Somehow we both knew we needed each other, one way or another. Why did it take so long for us?

          "We haven't talked since it happened. We have a session coming up, and that's pissing me off because our fucking therapist basically gave us homework. She said we need to eat together, and we can't talk for fifteen minutes."

          Hestia chuckled to herself. "Well, Zeus fulfilled that."

          I looked at her dumbfounded. "Dick!"

          My phone buzzed, vibrating the entire table.

          I'm getting a very strange sense of déjà vu, like bad. Before I could turn it over to see who texted me, Hestia snatched my phone, reading my message.

          Her mischievous smile turned into a severe frown. "Achilles is texting you, and it has nothing to do with work."

          She kept my phone in her hand, not elaborating on what exactly Achilles texted me. "You really need to stay away from her. I don't even like the fact that you work with her." she continued, then glared at me. "Is she the one you're exploiting to make Zeus jealous?"

          I turned away, ashamed. "Yes, she is. And it's fine, okay. Eventually, Achilles will get the hint that I don't want her like that."

           She scoffed. "Not if you are stringing her along. Hera, you are better than this. You have to know this is all going to turn to shit."

           That sense of déjà vu is just getting weirder and weirder.

          "I know what I'm doing, okay?"

          She rolled her eyes. Only a few seconds went by before she spoke up again. "Have you talked to mom and dad?" She asked, changing the subject. Thankfully.

          "I haven't spoken to them since I publicly made a 'scene.' they haven't reached out to me either, so it's whatever."

          Literally, not even a text to ask how I'm doing. Or to just say hi. No, this is what they do. Make me seem like the problem so that I will apologize first, and I'm just not doing it this time. I have other shit to worry about.

          Hestia reached over and grabbed my hands. "I'm worried about you."

          "I'm fine. I promise. Things are hard right now, but I'm figuring it out." That's all I can really do. That and be patient.

           "Why don't you text Zeus first? You're always waiting on her to reach out. Take her out to dinner. Do your Therapy session homework. You deserve happiness, Hera. And I know she's the one who can give it to you. I've seen it first hand."

          It's so funny. Panacea also said she could see the love, just in the way Zeus and I look at each other. I know I still love her. I just don't know if that's enough. 

          I looked down at the bracelet. There's a reason she bought it for me all those years ago. I wonder if it's the same reason she brought it back to me now. Honestly, after I didn't take it from her, I thought she would have given it to someone else.

          I was afraid of my feelings for her then. I'm not now. I know that if this ends badly, I'll lose her forever, and I don't know if I can make peace with that. 

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