Chapter 29

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Alex was sitting at his desk writing something. He didn't even notice when I opened the door.

"Can I come in?" I asked politely standing in the doorway with a bucket and a broom in my hands.

"Of course." He invited me in and with little hesitation I started cleaning his bedroom. Fortunately, he wasn't watching me this time so I could dust in peace. He was still at his desk  writing something rather important. Finally I couldn't stand the silence any longer and asked him.

"What's this?" I walked over to him and peeked over his shoulder.

"It's a report." He replied briefly. When he noticed me next to him he stopped writing and looked at me. " It's from last night. Just a work stuff."

"I see." I had already moved away from him when he suddenly grabbed my hand.

"Uhm... Can I ask you something?" He asked suddenly with embarrassment in those wonderful blue eyes of his. " Last week... It was your boyfriend, right?"  Having remembered that evening I blushed instantly. Just a wonderful moment to explain this event...

"Oh, uhm... It was just... Mat's friend." I replied quickly forcing a slight smile on my face. He was visibly relieved and after he released my hand he went back to writing his report. A smile appeared on his lips which he tried in vain to hide from me. I also felt better myself. I didn't know why. I just felt like something that had been weighing on my heart for a week had finally disappeared.

After the cleaning was done I invited Alex downstairs for dinner but he declined. He said that he must finish writing that report  and deliver it to the command as fast as possible. After a moment of silence Alex added that from now on he would be very rarely at the apartment due to the special mission he was given. He didn't say when he was leaving or coming back but I hoped he'd at least let me know. I reminded him that my invitation is still valid and he can come visit us even in the evening and I'll cook for him. He thanked me heartily, then gave me a hug and I went back downstairs. While coming down I noticed that the staircase was covered with dirt again so I had to sweep it again.

I made dinner for my temporary family and went on the staircase to sweep it up and then wash it up. I had nothing to do anyway so it was the only activity that allowed me to be useful. When I was in the process of sweeping, Monika entered the tenement house or rather dropped in, accompanied by Arek. They both didn't look good...

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