Chapter 6

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However, politeness prevailed. I had my pride, but I figured I'd possibly murder him myself if he wanted to do something indecent with me.

I entered hesitantly and took off my slippers.

"Oh, don't take off your shoes!" He quickly took out another pair of slippers from the dresser, much more comfortable and warmer than those I got from Grandma Pola. I noticed he was wearing pajamas. He was probably asleep, while I was knocking to his door.

I walked with the cake to the kitchen, where I put it on the counter, and noticed that the chair where the uniform had hung from before is now empty.

"How are you today?" He asked, looking over my shoulder, and I jumped back as if burned by his sudden appearance behind me, "Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you. Are you alright?" He asked sincerely contrite and worried.

"Yes." I replied hesitantly, but my whole body trembled with terror. Now I regretted my choice. Why did I push myself to this apartment? "I brought a cake for you."

"I see. How is it called?" He asked curiously.

'' It's ... karpatka. '' I replied timidly, forgetting the name of the cake for a moment, and my heart would not slow down its mad beating.

"Sounds delicious ." He smiled warmly ."Maybe ..."He started and looked anxiously at the front door. " Maybe... Would you like to stay and eat the cake with me?"

"Um ... I think that's not a good idea." I disagreed reluctantly. "I should come back." I hurried to the door.

"Wait, please ." He called after me, and I stopped, not knowing why. " I want to give you something ." He checked his pants pockets looking for something.

"But I don't want to take anything from you." I was almost on the staircase.

"It's yours ..." He came up to me, and he had something in his hand, but soon he opened it and I saw something that could actually belong to me now. My mother's gold wedding ring was in his hand.

I hesitantly took it from him and examined it carefully. It was clean, not in blood when I last saw it, and the inscription with my parents' wedding date was right, 13/08/1923. I bit my lower lip and held back my tears.

"I'm so sorry..." He whispered "That's the only thing I could take ..."

"Did you see them?" I asked, almost interrupting his word and not taking my eyes off the wedding ring.

"Yes." He nodded, and I felt I was getting faint. "You look like your mum so I decided to take it for you."

"When did you find it?" Tears ran down my cheek.

"A few days ago. I heard your story from Mat so I went to the morgue. I found your family before they burnt. " He explained. All dead bodies are always taken to the morgue and then burned in the crematoria, or at least that was what I knew before. At least I know now that my family is no longer here ...

"Thank you ." I thanked and left his apartment ...

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