Chapter 2

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When I opened my eyes, I no longer felt cold. It was warm. I quickly realized that I was in some room, under a warm quilt. I slowly rose to a sitting position and scanned the room. It looked quite luxurious. Expensive Rococo furniture, golden upholstery and picture borders. Even a marble fireplace. The floor was decorated with numerous rugs, which also looked expensive. I swung my legs over one of them and found to my horror that I wasn't wearing my clothes. I touched my chest and blushed when I couldn't feel my bra. I was dressed in someone's nightgown, which was way too big for me. I hurried to the window to know more less where I was, but the view outside the window didn't tell me much. There were gray tenement houses everywhere, separated only by a street. Glossy black cars stood in places on the sidewalks. I saw them live for the first time, and they made quite an impression.

Suddenly the door handle moved restlessly, and I quickly went back to bed and pretended to be asleep. I heard slow and heavy footsteps that indicated that a man had entered the room. He didn't speak, just as if he were walking around the room. He walked over to the window where I had been standing recently. Then he stood by the bed and watched me. I could feel his gaze on me, and it made me feel tempted to open my eyes and see who was staring at me so stubbornly.

"I know you're awake ". There was a whisper right above my ear and I jumped in place, the hair on the back of my neck standing on end. "You don't need to be afraid. You're safe here." Provided a pretty nice young man's voice. I knew English so I understood what he said to me. I carefully opened my eyelids and saw the image of a nice boy leaning over me with a gentle smile. He was leaning against the bed frame with one hand and the other to my left. He could be about twenty or twenty two years old. Blue eyes looked happily into mine, and blonde hair almost touched my forehead.

"What's your name, beautiful girl?" He asked, leaning back and sitting on the bed. I looked at him uncertainly. He could not be Polish since he spoke English to me. Then who is he...?

"Maria." I replied shortly, looking away somewhere. He kept staring right at me with those laughing eyes, as if he had seen a living being for the first time in a long time

"Your name is as beautiful as you. My name is Alexander, but call me Alex." He introduced himself. " How old are you, Maria?"  I hung up again. Despite his kind appearance, I didn't want to trust him. Maybe it was because he seemed to be so? A person you can trust?

"I'm sixteen." I replied after some time of silence.

"You're really young ." He was surprised. "I'm five years older than you."

"So you're twenty one?" It was more of a statement, but it sounded like a question.

"Yes." He agreed. "Maybe you're hungry?" He gave me a hand to get me up. I took it quite carefully, and he would drag me to the kitchen. I sat down at a small table and looked around the room. The kitchen was quite small, but kept tidy, it gave me a neat and cozy impression. The boy handed me a cup of Ealr Gray tea, which in those days, was damn expensive and intended only for the bourgeoisie or soldiers. Maybe he is an Englishman? I thought, but literally a second later I noticed that a greenish German uniform was hanging on the chair.

"What's wrong?" He asked with concern in his voice, and when he realized that I was glaring at the hanging uniform in fear, he quickly perked up. " It's not like you think! Calm down, please. It's okay. I told you that you're safe here. I won't hurt you. Just ..." He didn't finish because I ran to the door, which I literally found by accident. "Hey! Wait! " He shouted after me and followed...

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