Chapter 24

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It's been a few days since that incident. Mateusz did everything he could to keep the kitchen and my room from blowing cold, so every day he disappeared for a few hours in search of new glass for our windows. I knew that he felt partly responsible for everything that had happened under our tenement and how desperately he was trying to repair the damage. Even as compensation for the broken window he borrowed me his room and he himself dragged the mattress from my room to sleep on it in the living room, where was also Grandma sleeping on a sofa bed. Meanwhile, Mateusz installed some carton boards instead of glass in the window frames which poorly protected the rooms from the cold. Moreover, I had an offer from Alex to spend the nights at his apartment but I preferred to stay in the one downstairs. This was my home now, and I preferred to stick to it, despite my obvious fondness for the German. I knew that he had no bad intentions and wouldn't cause me any harm but as I had decided, it stayed that way. I was still cleaning his place and occasionally bringing him my baked goods and lunches. That day Grandma visited again her friend who was still in the hospital. Mateusz was still himself and didn't fail to take advantage of that and invited Monika and her brother Arek to the apartment. I was still mad at Arek due to his need of attention which was  manifested last week by throwing a snowball at the window I was cleaning. This time I had the opportunity to get to know him and his sister better. He was a smart boy who, like his younger sister, was taking an active part in the conspiracy. He even offered me to join the underground but Mateusz immediately protested saying that I wasn't completely prepared to become a member and besides my place was at home.

"Grandma wouldn't forgive me if I would dragged her there." he explained to Arek.

"Oh shut up. We need such young and charming women who do not draw attention to themselves." Monika's brother downplayed his words and looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.

"Are you even listening to me?" Mateusz lifted up his voice. "If she is to participate in something like that from yesterday, I can't really see it happening with her taking part in it..."

"Oh, Mat. You know very well that yesterday's action wasn't the best one." Monika joined their conversation. " We didn't know that another patrol would be coming from behind..."

"And that an another one would arrive so soon." Arek added adjusting his glasses on his nose. "Well, never mind. It's all water over the dam. We have to think about our next move."

"What next move again?" Mateusz was surprised and clearly worried. "Can't you see what damage the previous move had made? Now we don't even have a way to cook a dinner and Pola has no place to sleep! And it's the middle of the winter season! It's just freakin' cold!"

"After all, I told you that I have connections and you will get new windows soon." Monika replied, crossing her arms on her chest. "And Arek will help you to put them in."

"For a reasonable fee of course." Monika's brother smiled mischievously glimpsing at me.

"You know I'm broke..." Mateusz said embarrassed. 

"I'm not talking about the money." Arek interrupted him. "I want to date her." He pointed his chin at me and Mateusz was clearly relieved. However, I wasn't.

"Okay but no underground initiation." He emphasized.


Soon the windows were put in place and I moved back to my room. And of course, I had to honor the boys' deal and go on a date with Arek...

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