chapter 1

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'Space the final frontier words of wisdom created from the great Eugene Wesley Roddenberry who inspired us to travel further than ever before Star Trek inspired us all to explore Space.' the crew's of multiple new star ships stood in the ceremony hall of the luscious new Space station as they all listened to the admiral's speech that has been said for over a hundred years for each set of cadets moving through the ranks to their new positions in earth space command. 'Now, if you head to your allocated station officer, they will give you your post, and you will prepare for departure. Dismissed.' The speakers turned off as the admiral stepped away from his stand as the entire hall got to its feet, the cadets moving towards their allocated station offices.

"Name?" A station officer had asked the young woman who walked up to the registration,"Reid, Amelia, " she said as the officer searched through the database. "First officer, ISV 1963, HMS Nova" her face lit up with glee walking off "what you get?" he friend walked up beside her "British vessel, " she responded excitedly, turning to her friend "and you?" she asked "Italian" she told Amelia,"those vessels tend to be architecturally stunning, " Amelia reminded. "Well, that is true, but there is the fact that your ship and the American style are identical," she reminded Amelia as they walked towards their respective areas to board their new vessels. "yeah well British vessels are constructed better and have tweaks minor differences to them making them more efficient" Amelia tried to fact her way to a victory as her friend spoke again "you make a well reasoned argument but there is one thing that British vessels will never have... the iconic USS registry of the star trek ships that's why people love when there assigned to American vessels" and unfortunately for Amelia her friend was right she had wished ever since her childhood to be on a star ship with the registry of USS. they had walked as far as they could together as they parted ways pulling in for a tight hug "good luck" they both said before turning to towards their shuttle bay areas Amelia walks to the shuttle bay as she waits in the huge line to the shuttle control.

the line moved rather fast as Amelia got to the front in only a couple of minutes. "HMS Nova?" she told the man standing in his little platform a bit nervous after all the years in the academy, and now she was finally here. "shuttle four you'll get more information once abroad" he spoke in a dull tone as if he had been repeating this for hours tired of this seemingly endless experience, Amelia made her way to the shuttle as she was guided onboard finding the nearest empty seat as she quickly sat down. "Hi" Amelia turned to the man who she sat next to, "hi, Amelia Reid first officer" she said lifting her hand as he shook it her hand was almost half the size of his, he was skinny and buzz cut only leaving the dark stubble  "chief engineer Alexander  Don" he said with a smile "pleasure" she said as they stopped shaking hands.

"and sitting on the other side of you is my friend" Alexander said turning to face the huge bushy red head sitting next to her, her beautiful fizzy hair curls spiralling down the strands "lieutenant commander Sarah Michaels. tactical position bridge, " she said, shaking my hand as she then starred at Alex with a stern look."And you stopped trying to se... make me friends" Sarah switched her words as she glanced at Amelia shyly smiling sitting back in her seat "prepare for departure" the shuttle pilot said as we pulled down the soft rubber body belts like they were about to head on a roller-coaster. the floor began lowering as the shuttle entered the silo a force field emitted above as the main thruster engaged, shooting the shuttle out of the bay into space its manoeuvring thrusters kicked in faces them towards their ship.

"Is that it?" Amelia asked, looking out the window upon the ship. "Fury class, length two hundred metres, one of the few vessels at this time experimenting with the secondary Hull although trying the ship neck is still not recommended as vessels are required to survive in planetary orbit. Signal nacelles as the ships size is too small, it would be pulled apart if it were to have two." Sarah said as Amelia just stared astonished. "I'm a tactical officer. I need to know everything about ships and their weaknesses and strength to beat them in combat, " she explained. "It is beautiful," Amelia simply said as they all looked at it's magnificence it's size dwarfing all the others in the fleet we approached the shuttle bay as the door opened on either side of the secondary Hull passing through the oxygen field the doors begin closing as we watch people being unloaded from shuttle transport they pass by helicopter style drop ships based on the designs of helicopters back during the 21st century as they are guided to the landing zone.

Stargazing The Final FrontierOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora