Chapter 9

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Sparks and flames went everywhere as everyone held on for their lives. The ship shaking violently as Amelia took her seat "Medical bay is overcrowded they're out of room." A lieutenant yelled over the panicked sound "Move out to the halls and have the observation deck transformed into temporary Med room!" Amelia ordered. "Fire phasers at opposing  vessel!" The captain ordered. "Sir we are no match for the admirals vessel, its technology is beyond our own." ops said. "How's that possible were the top of the line tech." Sarah argued. "Phasers are having minimal effect." Sarah informed the captain. "Alternate Phaser frequencies until one breeches their shielding." He ordered.

"Initiate evasive pattern four!" Amelia yelled as the Nova became the new primary target as the drifting vessel was left alone. "Shields are at fifty four percent and falling." ops informed the crew. "Can we launch fighters?" The captain questioned as he looked to Amelia. "Too many of our troops went over to the drifting vessel. We don't have the man power." Amelia told him as he looked at the viewer seeing the opposing ship. 

The Nova continued its defence of the drifting vessel as the admirals' vessel kept them on the run. The drifting vessel had problems as well. A battle on two fronts is not easy work and the creatures weren't easy to deal with either. "Chief, we are going to get out of this, right?" An ensign asked holding their blaster crouched next to Olivia as they are the only two left in their group. "I will do everything in my power to get us out of here and find out what these creatures are with this data." Olivia says patting the bag with the data pad in it. 

Olivia pulled out her communicator again as she activated it. "This is Chief engineer Olivia we are on deck two sector four please come and get us." Olivia asked in the eerie silence. "Wasn't the Nova meant to be giving us a easy way out without bumping into these creatures?" The ensign asked as Olivia hesitated before responding. "They were.... it just seems they lost contact with us." she said as they heard movement becoming deadly silent before seeing the flashlights that followed the noise. "Chief we're here to get you and the rest of the remaining away team off this ship." The soldier said. "What's been going on?" Olivia asked as the soldier led the way followed by two more soldiers creating a convey for the chief and ensign. 

"The last bit of information we got from the Nova was that they had engaged a enemy ship." They explained as Olivia got a bit tense thinking of her dad and his safety. "We've managed to set up partial control to the ship and decided to get rid of these creatures by ramming this ship into the enemy one." The soldier said as Olivia smiled looking to the soldier. "I'll work on refining the controls to the engines to ram this thing. Just keep a perimeter for us to be safe." Olivia told them as they nodded the ensign following shakily behind. "We need to get out of here." The ensign said hearing something scuttle along the ceiling while Olivia looked around to find where it went as the soldiers prepared their weapons.

"Fire on sight. shoot to kill." A soldier said as their blasters scanned the hall they stood in. "Commander there are multiple." A soldier called as they turned to where they were looking seeing the dozen at the end of the hall. "OPEN FIRE!" 

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