chapter 8

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Captain Gates walks onto the bridge. "Captain, glad to see you." A crew member says, looking tense as he walks towards one of the ramps to head down. "We're being hailed again." He heard a voice say, "Keep them waiting until the captain is here." Amelia said as she saw the captain. "Answer the hail." He said plainly as they nodded as a video feed opened up to an old man who sat in the chair. "Ah, captain Gates, what a pleasant surprise." The man said. "Admiral Williams, it's been a while." Captain Gates said, "What exactly are you doing in this sector?" The captain asked as Amelia stood alert the alarm still red as they Sarah stood at her post readying tactical.

"You seem a bit tense, captain. Is something wrong?" The admiral said. "No, not at all. I just came across this abandoned vessel." Captain Gates said as the admiral kept a face on his face a rather unsettling smile. "We'll take it from here Captain, you continue on your mission." The admiral said as Amelia looked to the captain with concern "I'm sorry admiral we can't leave until we retrieve our people from the vessel, they've discovered a huge amount of strange things and are currently working on securing the genetically engineered creatures on board." Captain Gates said as the admiral's face dropped, "Oh Jonathan... I wish you hadn't done that." The admiral said as the captain grew concerned."Please tell me what we've done wrong admiral." Captain Gates says giving admiral a confused look."This ship captain was conducting highly classified work under a top secret branch of the space programme, district thirteen." The admiral informed the crew "district thirteen is a myth. There are only twelve." Amelia says.

"I think your captain can say otherwise, purposely acting as if he has no clue of what's going on. Now Jonathan, we
what we have to do to keep our mystery secret." The admiral said. A sudden shock filled the Captain's face as he turned around to face the bridge. "Evasive manoeuvres!" He yelled as the hail ended."The vessels are firing weapons." Someone else yelled as the Nova moved around dodging the weapons fire as the asteroids provided with some cover "sir we can't leave without our crew." Amelia said as the Captain ignored her."we don't stand a chance if we stay." The captain says,"Prepare for warp." He yelled. Amelia grabbed his arm "You're daughter is aboard the ship." Amelia exclaimed as he stood still shocked. "...ready for warp captain." The crewman said,"Delay that order we stay until we get are people off that ship." The captain said.

"Sir, they are targeting the other vessel," someone the captain didn't have time to notice who "divert auxiliary power to sheilds and block the fire with our own ship." The captain said as the Nova moved into position in front of the vessel as it began firing its lasers to intercept the enemy weapon fire as it closed in. "Predicted survival rate at seventy-five percent but is decreasing." Another voice spoke "impact with first round of weapon in five. Four, three, two, one." Sarah said, watching the missiles close in. "Brace yourselves!" Amelia yelled.

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