Chapter 10

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The soldiers shot at all the genetically engineered creatures as the alien like things advanced. "Is there another way round?" Olivia asked the troops as they fired the energy weapons shooting several down as they move away from these creatures. "No we have to get through this side.

"Can anyone describe them?" Olivia asked looking to the black coloured creatures too fast to make out a figure for sure. "They evaporate when shot so we have no idea what they exactly look like yet. They seem too erratic at the moment." The soldier replied still firing as another one dissipates with a screech from the bright red shot of the blaster.  "How do they attack then?" Olivia questions as the soldiers focus on keeping the creatures away. 

"So far they've been eating they're victims or recently slashing the neck... we don't know if they'll have more attacks." The soldier said. It made sense, well Olivia thought it did. After a couple years she'd be very hungry as well, only now fearing what they would actually do. "Photonic grenade. take cover!" The soldier yells throwing the grenade from his hand. The small group hid round the corner of the hall as the place shook with a loud energy discharge. 

The two soldiers took the lead as they pointed their guns down the hall. the walls were scorched as the creatures were atomised. "Clear. let's get back to the hanger." The lead soldier ordered as they led the convoy back to the hanger bay. 

The nova swerved and spun avoiding the admirals shots as they had become the prime target for the admiral to deal with. "Captain we found a frequency!" Sarah yelled in success as the phasers stabilised their frequencies making the shields of the admiral's unmarked vessel useless. "Tune the torpedo's frequencies now." Amelia ordered.

"Bring us about Prime torpedo's and fire." Captain Gates ordered as the Nova turned towards the admiral's battleship of sorts "Targeting engine bay. expected to cause immense damage." Sarah informed the Captain. "Sir they are hailing us." The ops officer said as the captain blankly looked at the screen with the incoming call. "Ignore it. tactical.... fire." The captain ordered seeing the nose of the Nova facing head on with the admiral's vessel. "Full spread torpedoes firing." Sarah said as she pressed the buttons releasing three torpedoes as their red hue glow came into view from under the nose of the Nova approaching the admiral's ship. 

The three red dots of the torpedoes passed through the shields as it hit the admiral's ship with a flash of light as the side of his hull was obliterated exposing it to the vacuum of space. The ship slowly seemed to die sections powering down faster than everyone on the bridge had thought as the admiral's ship went dark. "Answer their hail. They'll still have emergency power." Captain Gates said. The channel opened as they saw fire and sparks flying around the bridge of the admiral's ship now looking worse than the Nova in comparison. 

"You son of a bitch." The admiral begun with as Gates smiled standing from his seat. "It seems you're a little worse for wear admiral. Tactical prepare another round of torpedoes." The Captain said as they all looked a little shocked. "You wouldn't dare." The admiral challenged. "Is that a threat." Amelia countered sternly looking at Sarah as the girl pressed a fire buttons. "Torpedoes standing by captain." Sarah said shakily. 

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